one hundred and three: tired

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okay, back with the happy ones because i can no longer keep doing these depressing ones on my graduation day:)

"she is tireless," you said to reid as you walked into the bau to let your daughter see him. he chuckled, feeling her tugging at his pants as he picked her up and put her on his hip. 

"what are you doing not taking a nap?" he asked her as she laughed.

"i'm not tired, daddy!" she said with a childish laugh as reid smiled at her. you ran a hand through your hair as you gave him a small, tired smile. 

"but, lyd," he said sweetly. "you need sleep to be able to keep playing. you want to keep playing, don't you?" he asked her as she nodded, clutching onto her bear. 

"yes," she said with a smile. "i wanted to play with olivia today but mommy said i couldn't."

reid looked over at you as you yawned. you nodded, running a hand through your hair again. 

"mommy said no because you didn't take a nap. you have to take naps so you can keep playing," reid told his daughter as she smiled.

"okay, daddy," she said with a smile. you took your daughter back from reid as she held onto you tightly, laying her head down on your shoulder as you held her up. she clutched onto her bear as you looked up at reid. 

"maybe you should be the stay at home mom," you muttered. reid chuckled.

"you still work in the field. and you can do it more when she grows up to be able to take care of herself more," reid said as you nodded, bouncing your daughter lightly to get her to go to sleep. 

"i just wish she would sleep," you told him softly. "i miss the days when i could sleep for hours."

reid cocked his head with a smile. "so, elementary school?"

"i slept in college. i wasn't up all night studying useless information packets," you said with a small chuckle as reid shrugged. 

"some of that so called useless information has come in handy, darling," he said as you laughed. 

"i should probably take her to the car now since she's asleep. thank you for helping with that. she kept saying how she wanted to see you all day," you told him with a tired smile. reid smiled as well, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he looked down at his now sleeping daughter.

"you two are beautiful," he said as he looked down at his daughter before looking back into your tired eyes. 

"go home and get some rest, darling," he said softly as you nodded, keeping your grip firm on holding up your daughter to your body.

"i love you," you told him sweetly as he pressed another kiss to your forehead. 

"i love you too and i'll see you soon," he said, watching you walk out of the bau with lydia clutching onto you as she slept. he adored every bit of you- even when you were at this point of exhaustion. 

"hey, reid, did i miss her?" garcia came running up as he turned around. 

"who? my daughter or ______?" 

"both," she said. "but mainly your daughter."

"yeah," he chuckled. "she wanted to see me and ______ couldn't get her to go to sleep so i had to convince her to do that. luckily, it worked."

garcia smiled. 

"you two are the cutest. you and your little family is just so amazing," she said with a smile on her face. "oh, but hotch said there is a case so we gotta go to the bau conference room like right now." 

he nodded, keeping his eyes on the door of where you and your daughter walked out before following garcia up to the room. 

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