Brand Of Insanity

Start from the beginning

"I watched the person get out of it," N'Konpop explains, "It was the only person who drove up, so it has to be him. Doesn't it?"

All of us jump when N'Maprang walks in the door with a little growl.

"What is going on?" She asks, and we turn back to her. Before any of us can ask, she explains what was going on downstairs. "P'Third had some papers with him my uncle had to sign. I guess they were important," N'Maprang tells us, "That is why he came back. Do you really think he is involved? I mean, he is creepy, but I just can't see him doing this."

"The only device that connected was named Fourth," Bright rounds on her, "That is too much of a coincidence. He has to be involved."

"Ai'Bright," Tutah tries to calm his friend.

"It has to be him," Bright pleads desperately with Tutah. I understand his need for P'Third to be involved. That guy is possibly the only connection we might have with the owner of the phone that connected while N'Kammon was kidnapped.

"We will find him," N'Jett says as he pries Bright's hands off his boyfriend's arm. I can see white marks on Tutah's arm. How hard did Bright grip it?

"If I can't go in the door," N'Kongpop calls, bringing our attention back to him, "How am I getting back up there?"

N'Maprang shoves her boyfriend aside to stick her head out the window, "Walk that way and come around the back of the house. Jett and I will take the trays back down and get some more food. Hopefully, they will be too preoccupied to notice that three of us come back up."

"Let me go down," Bright pleads.

"No!" Everyone, including the nongs, reply.

"Why not?" Bright demands.

"Because," Tutah glowers at Bright. To which Bright glares at him. "Ai'Bright, let them go back down there. Do you really think if that guy is involved, he would one admit it, or two tell you where N'Kammon is?" Bright whines, and I don't know about the others, but I feel for him.

"Fine," Bright sniffs and turns away from his friend.

"Who can track N'Kammon's tracker?" I ask, hoping to diffuse the tension in the room while N'Jett and N'Maprang gather stuff up to take downstairs.

"I can," Both Tutah and N'Maprang answer. She pulls out her phone and tosses it to her boyfriend.

"Unlock it for them, Oak," She tells him before she walks out of the door.

"You know your girlfriend's passcode?" I wonder out loud.

"Don't you know whoever you are dating's passcode?" N'Oak counters nonplussed as we watch him unlock it.

"I am not dating anyone, nong," I frown, "Thanks for rubbing that in."

"Sorry," N'Oak chuckles, "Didn't know it was a sensitive subject."

"Play nice," Tutah orders as he cuffs his nong on the back of the head.

"So this is all well and good," P'Boon says from where he has been sitting, "But how are we going to follow this guy."

"Yeah," P'Dear says beside him. "Shouldn't some of us go down and go wait somewhere to follow him when he leaves?"

"Come on," Bright goes over and pulls on P'Dear, "You and P'Win came in your own car, right?"

"Yeah," P'Win answers, "But that means we have to walk out now. Do you think we would upset them by walking through?"

"Come down with us," N'Maprang says. "You can walk around to the front." P'Dear and P'Win look at the rest of us to check to see if we agree with the plan.

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now