"I told you that you were going to get sick if you didn't rest," Jett admonishes.

"Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Jett smiles. "Come on," I say, "Let's go take a shower."

"P'Win said separate showers," Jett balks.

"Yes, he did," P'Dear says, leaning on the frame of his bedroom door. "N'Tutah, go take a shower. Alone."

"You are no fun, old man," I grumble, heading to the spare room to grab my clothes.

"I never said I was fun," P'Dear laughs.

Jett's POV

P'Tutah closes the door to the bathroom, and I sigh. Great. P'Tutah is sick, and so am I. I feel my forehead. I don't feel that warm. Is P'Win lying to me? Closing my eyes, I run my hand through my hair. I am so tired. I jerk when I feel a palm on my head and open my eyes to find myself face to face with P'Dear.

"You are warm, nong," P'Dear frowns, "And you look like shit."

"Like you look any better," I snap before I can stop myself.

"I know right," P'Dear chuckles unoffended at my comment. "These past few weeks have kicked my ass." P'Dear walks over to the sofa and sits down, " How are your exams going?" I follow and take a seat at the opposite end.

"Not too bad," I start explaining, "The programming class is the one I am worried about the most. P'Tutah says he won't be much help for me on that one, but Ai'Kong and Ai'Oak are really good at it, so we will be studying together."

"Programming always gave N'Tutah fits," P'Dear tells me, "I always helped him study for it. It was really the only class he did what he calls bad in that year."

"What he calls bad?" I question. I think this is the first time I have ever sat and talked with P'Dear.

"You know his bunch is always pretty high up score-wise," P'Dear says, and I nod my head, "N'Tutah's bad is still high, and he could help tutor you, but he is afraid he might hurt your score."

"Oh," I hum. I sit there for a bit, staring out the darkened window. Life is strange. Why am I more jealous of P'Dear than of P'Win? And how many times does this make that P'Tutah and I have stayed over here? Maybe I should leave a set of spare clothes here too. I look over at P'Dear yawning. He should go back to bed.

"Why do you still offer to tutor P'Tutah for exams if you are so busy with your internship?" I ask.

"There is no ulterior motive, N'Jett," P'Dear smiles, "After the thing with Win, I offered to help him study. I didn't want N'Tutah to... I don't know. I didn't want to lose my friend." P'Dear looks at me, pointedly, "You heard that, didn't you?"

"Yes, your friend," I repeat. "Sorry, I have been an ass to you."

"No worries, nong," P'Dear grins, "It was fun."

"P'Tutah interns next year," I say out loud. I haven't told Tutah, but this has been worrying me. Thinking about next year gives me nightmares.

"Yes, he does," P'Dear agrees, "And you are worried." I go to deny it, but the smirk on his face makes me stop.

"Yes," I agree. "What if P'Tutah is placed somewhere far away?"

"Do you plan to break up with if he is?" P'Dear questions.

"No!" I shout. Why would anyone think that was even a possibility?

"Good," Tutah says, coming out of the bathroom. "That would piss me off." Tutah comes over to sit on the arm of the sofa by me. "Why didn't you tell me you were worried about this?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book Two A BoysLove TaleWhere stories live. Discover now