"Shh, shleep good"

Depuis le début

Zayn opened his eyes in confusion and looked up at Liam. "Why we not going in loop and loop?" he rolled his head to emphasize his point. Liam kissed his nose and pointed out the window. "Because planes don't do that. We're flying smoothly."

"When we get thewe?" Zayn asked, wondering how it was were they were going. Was it warm or very cold? Were there aliens or superheroes there?

"Oh it's a long time for that," Harry said with a yawn and rested his head on the window, a comfy pillow between him and the wall. "I'm going to crash, boys."

"Fine by me, I'm reading this really funny book," Louis said as he looked down at his phone, earbuds in his ears. Zayn looked at Niall who was eating some cookies Maria had bought for them. He smiled widely and held his hand out for one.

While he and Niall ate cookies, Zayn started feeling a pricking in his ears. He winced as his ears hurt and Liam took a bite from the cookie in his hand. "Mmm, these are tasty." He looked at Zayn and frowned. "Ears popping?"

Zayn didn't understand what he meant but nodded. "It huwtsh." He prodded at his earlobe. "Inshide."

"Here," Liam pulled out a packet of gum from his pocket. "Chewing on this might help."

Zayn grimaced as the strong flavor rolled over his tongue. He chewed loudly, not getting how this was supposed to help with the annoying pain in his ears. The distraction helped though and he settled back against Liam who was making funny faces on his phone.

Zayn giggled and leaned forward, his face full of paint on the screen. "Thish ish sho cool."

"Look at this one," Liam said and swiped the screen, glasses appearing on their faces.

Zayn grinned and saw that his teeth had small brackets on them. "Jayn look weiwd."

Liam eventually plugged in his earbuds and said he was going to sleep. He unlocked his phone and told Zayn he could play some games if he was bored.

Zayn had never played games on a phone before so he struggled as he swiped the screen and wondered which of the colorful squares were games. He tapped a green one and that was definitely not it because he started to accidentally call someone. Zayn ended the call and poked Liam's cheeks. "Leeyum."

Liam didn't answer, eyes shut and earbuds in. Zayn pouted and played with the boy's lashes, running a finger down them. "Leeyum!"

Liam opened his eyes and looked at him tiredly. "Hmm?"

"I can't find games," Zayn complained. Liam swiped the screen to the left and pointed at the page with different squares. Zayn gasped when he noticed one with cars. "It'sh Lightning McQueen!"

"I downloaded these for you," Liam said with a yawn and closed his eyes. Zayn tapped on the red square and randomly clicked on the button he thought looked like start. Luckily, the game started, but it was hard, but so so so cool. He was Lightning McQueen and was driving. Zayn tilted the screen as he tapped on the button on his right, still trying to figure out what made the car move.

He didn't know how long he played, switching from game to game, but it eventually grew boring. He shut the phone and put it in Liam's lap, sliding off. He looked at the other boys and everyone was asleep except for Louis who was still reading on his phone.

Zayn huffed, feeling slightly bored. Since the gum had started becoming tasteless, he spit it out on a tissue paper before walking towards Preston and Mike, where one of the two were asleep whilst the other was eating biscuits.

Baby "Jayn"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant