"Jusht one mowe kish, kiddo"

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Chapter 50

Sophia picked the tray up and walked up the stairs. She knocked on Zayn's door, unsure whether he would appreciate her barging in. He was a very troubled kid after all.
Zayn was lying on the carpeted floor, red color pencil grasped between his thumb and forefinger as he colored Superman's costume.

"Hey, I brought sandwiches." Sophia smiled, placing the tray on his bedside table.
"Do ywou like Batman or Shupewman bettew?" Zayn asked curiously. Sophia sat down beside him, shrugging. "Don't know. I guess Batman."

"Jayn too. But Jayn hash haiw like Shupewman." Zayn said, smiling as he colored.

Sophia smiled at him, picking the plate up and placing it in front of her. "Want a sandwich?"

Zayn looked up and wrinkled his nose. "No Jayn'sh not hungwy."

"Okay." Sophia said, unsure of what to do now.

Zayn looked at her curiously. "Why do Hawwy and Loueh and Nawiall and Leeyum go away sho much? Why don't they take Jayn with?"

Sophia gave him a small smile, ruffling his hair. Zayn frowned, ruffling it back.

"First of all, well the boys have such an important and busy job." Sophia explained. "And you'd be finding it very boring."

Zayn sat up, crossing his arms in that way of his. "But Jayn wash with them yeshtewday and dwawed! It not bowing."

They can't look after you at the stadium, that's why they're warming you up for it.
"It's just like that."

Zayn huffed, grabbing his book and color pencils before leaving the room. Sophia sighed, her eyes landing on the uneaten sandwich.

Zayn trudged over to the half-open door, where Liam had been playing the piano. Light from outside shone through the window, providing enough to illuminate the instruments and the grand piano sitting there. He grinned, placing his book carefully on the ground before scurrying over to it. He hoisted himself up on the seat, excitement filling him. Reaching out, Zayn pushed one key and the sound echoed in the room. He pressed another key down, then another and another. Zayn laughed as the sounds jumped form light to heavy to light again.

After a few minutes he grew bored because no one was there to see him, and he wasn't going to call Sophia. Zayn left the room and walked down the hall, trying to find Niall's room. He loved that they had a big house, he could explore as much as he wanted!
Zayn pushed the door open, his memory telling him it was the same one Harry had pushed to enter Niall's room to give him a marker makeover. Zayn smiled, stepping inside. The lights were off, but again there was enough sunlight to illuminate the room. Zayn walked over to the bed and climbed up on it, jumping a bit. He grinned to himself. Niall's bed was really cozy. Zayn stood up and lifted his hands up in the air, jumping up and down.

He imagined himself going higher and higher each time his bare feet hit the soft mattress and the springs sounded. He imagined himself in a cape, and Zayn tried to touch the roof but it was too far away. He pouted, continuing to jump higher and higher. That was until his foot got tangled in the sheets and he fell, landing on the ground, tangled in the covers. Zayn stood up and looked around. Niall only had one picture on his nightstand and it was of the boys and some other old people. He squinted his eyes, fingers coming up to touch the little girl in the picture who was grinning, her hands thrown around Harry's neck . Who's this? He wondered curiosuly. Had the boys adopted another girl before him? Was she Harry's sister?

Zayn turned to Niall's closet, walking forward. He pressed his fingers to the middle and opened it, mouth falling open as he stared up at all the clothes hanging. Zayn saw hats stacked in one place, shirts hanging and trousers folded neatly. He grinned as his eyes landed on a grey hat and he pulled it on, pretending to be Niall. "Jusht one mowe kish, kiddo," he said, trying his best to sound funny like Niall usually did.

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