"Jayn dwon't have a family now"

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Chapter 51

Liam woke up to his door creaking and sniffles coming from the hallway. His brows furrowed and he rubbed his eyes before turning over. His mind was sluggish and he couldn't quite force himself to wake up as he heard another pair of sniffles. A finger softly poked his cheek and he opened his eyes, his eyelids feeling heavy. Zayn stood in front of him, the hall light casting a glow on his tear stained cheeks. Liam's eyes fell close again and he grunted. "What happened?"

Zayn sniffled and poked his cheek again, making Liam open his eyes again. Liam rubbed his eyes before sitting up, running a hand through his hair. Zayn let out a sob, his lower lip jutting out and Liam's heart clenched. He picked the toddler up and sat him on his lap, gently massaging his scalp. "Bad dream?"

Zayn let out a sob and nodded, burying his face in Liam's tee. "Want to tell me what it was of?" Liam asked softly, his hands rubbing Zayn's back comfortingly.
Zayn continued to cry, and Liam felt his shirt get wet. "Shh, it's okay now. I'm here, Liam's here."

Zayn wrapped his arms around Liam's middle, turning his head to the side. Liam could feel the three year old's rapid heartbeat and he hummed a little tune of one of their newest songs, A.M.

For the next few minutes Liam just rubbed Zayn's back, hummed to him and rocked him back and fort. His sobs and crying subdued and were instead replaced by soft hiccups.
Zayn pulled back, hands coming up to wipe his eyes. His cheeks were wet, splattered with tears. Liam wiped Zayn's cheeks with his hand, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. Zayn always seemed to appreciate the display of affection, his eyes lighting up and a smile creeping on his face. Right now however, he pouted and his hands fisted Liam's damp shirt tightly. "Am hungwy," Zayn said quietly.

Liam yawned. He wasn't going to lie, he was super tired and wanted nothing more to collapse in bed. But with a child comes responsibilities and one of those are feeding Zayn and making sure he feels better.
Liam stood up, Zayn in his arms. He was clutching him tightly as if Liam would disappear in a second. Liam took on his slippers and walked out of his room. The house was quiet, the ticking of the clocks being the only noise. He threw a glance at the time. 3:37.

"When ywou come home?" Zayn asked, resting his head on Liam's shoulder. "Jayn dwon't shee ywou."

Liam smiled. "You were wearing Niall's hat and Harry's boots when we arrived."

Zayn's lifted his head up, his eyes wide. "Jayn dwon't mean to go inshide da woom, Jayn wash bowed and-"

Liam laughed, walking into the kitchen and flickering the lights on. "It's okay, Zayn. As long as you don't mess anything in their rooms, it's okay."

Zayn squinted, blinking his eyes to get used to the light. "Jayn hash dweamsh."

Liam pursed his lips. "Mhmm, what are these dreams of?"

He sat Zayn down on the counter and walked over to the fridge. As he rummaged through it, his ears were waiting for a response. Liam pulled out some milk and closed the fridge, opening the right cabinet. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Zayn fiddle with his thumbs. As he pulled out the baby bottle, Zayn spoke up. "Daddy."
Liam looked up. "What?"

"Da dweamsh ish daddy...and Wali and Jayn." Zayn's eyes welled with tears. "Jayn shaw Jayn'sh mum in it. She was vewy pwetty." He looked up, eyes wide. "Wali wan away, and left Jayn awone."

Liam poured the warmed milk in the bottle, shaking a bit to mix in the honey as he swallowed the lump in his throat. He placed it on the counter to cool down a bit considering he'd warmed it too much and pulled out some bread.

"Leeyum." Zayn's voice cracked. "Lishen to Jayn."
Liam swallowed, setting the bread in the toaster and turning around with a nod. "I am listening." He walked over and picked Zayn up, rubbing his back. "It's about your family?"
Zayn placed his head on Liam's shoulder and wiped his wet eyes. "Jayn dwon't have a family now."

"Hey, you have us. You don't have to have two parents and one brother to be a family." Liam assured him, rubbing his back.

Zayn wrinkled his nose and lifted his head. "Wali ishn't Jayn'sh bwothew! She'sh a giwl!"

Liam blinked. "Oh, you just kept saying Wali that I thought you meant Wall-e..."

"Who'sh dat?" Zayn asked and Liam sat him down on the island. As he began to toast the bread, he answered with a smile. "Another movie which you should watch. You remember toy story?"

Zayn's eyes lit up. "The toysh talked!" He tilted his head and cracked a smile. "Can Jayn'sh toysh talk too?"

"Maybe, you never know." Liam winked at him, placing the toast in a plate.

Liam watched as Zayn ate, his mind racing. So Zayn had a sister who left him. He remembered what Harry had told them in the car about Zayn's mum, and that she'd died of sickness.

"Dish ish nam." Zayn said, wiping his mouth as he reached for the second one. Liam smiled fondly, resting his chin on his palm.

After Zayn finished eating, Liam placed the plates in the sink and picked him up along with the baby bottle. He made his way upstairs to Zayn's room.
Zayn gripped him tightly and locked his legs around Liam's waist as he lowered him down to the bed. Zayn jutted his bottom lip out. "Can Jayn pweashe shleep with ywou?"
Liam nodded. "Okay, but no funny business. Only sleep."
Zayn smiled widely. "Owkay! Pwomishe."

Liam turned off the lights and walked over to his room, setting Zayn on the other side as he kicked off his slippers. Liam pulled the duvet over him and handed Zayn the baby bottle. Zayn scooted closer, throwing an arm over Liam's chest as he drank.
Liam closed his eyes, yawning. He felt Zayn move, but ignored it. He moved again. And again.
Liam reopened his eyes and looked down at the toddler just in time to see him close his eyes. "I know you're awake."

Zayn looked up at him, smiling sheepishly from behind his bottle. "Showwy."
Liam gave him a small smile and closed his eyes again. He was starting to doze off when he felt Zayn move again. "Zayn," he groaned.

"Showwwwyyyy." And then the toddler slid off the bed, his footsteps sounding as he left the room. By the time Liam had completely dozed off, he heard Zayn come back and he turned to lay on his side. He cracked an eye open and saw Ziam clutched tightly under Zayn's arm. Zayn climbed up and lay down, a little farther away and hugged his stuffed animal, drinking from his bottle.
Liam closed his eye and moistened his lips. A few minutes later, he was breathing heavily again when he felt Zayn scoot closer and nestle himself in his arms without Ziam.

Nawww 😘

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