"No, Jayn'sh lollipop!"

ابدأ من البداية

"Zayn a bad boy," Niall intervened, then he glanced at Louis. "Yuck mate."

Zayn crossed his arms. "Nawiall mean."

Niall crossed his arms back. "Everyone agree this kid shouldn't be given candy at all from now on?"

The boys nodded in agreement. Harry turned to Gemma. "Where is mum, anyways?"

Gemma waved her hand dismissively. "She said she wanted to pick up a few things before we leave."

"You going?" Zayn asked, talking to Gemma though he was eyeing the lollipop in Louis's hand. Gemma nodded. "Soon, and I'm really disappointed in you. I thought we were cookie buddies."

Zayn huffed, leaning forward to try to snatch the lollipop from Louis's grasp. Liam lifted him up higher. "No can do, little guy. Enough sugar for you."

"But Jayn want lollipop!" Zayn whined, kicking Liam's chest with his legs. Liam grimaced, trying not to drop the kid.

"Zayn," Harry said strictly. "You will never get to eat candy again."

Zayn stopped struggling, face falling. "What? Hawwy whyyy?"

"Because look what you did," Harry pointed out, gesturing towards the room. Liam nodded in agreement and Zayn's eyes glistened with tears. "Showwy."

"Well since you apologized, let's make a deal. Candy only on Saturdays," Louis suggested. Zayn's face lit up with hope and Liam tried not to grin. "What do you say, no candy at all or candy only on Saturdays?"

Zayn glanced at him like he was stupid. "Candy on Shatuday."

"Well then, it's settled," Niall said, smiling. "Now go wash the blue off your face, we brought some food."

Liam sat him down and watched as he bounced out of the room. He was about to ask Gemma if Anne had taken Preston with her when Zayn popped up back in the room. "Jayn finish lollipop?" he asked with a crooked blue grin.

"Nope," Louis said, popping the p. Zayn frowned at him. He glanced at the lollipop in his hand and waved. "Bye bye lollipop," he mumbled before walking away.

"Well, you guys handled that better than I thought," Gemma said with a light laugh. "You're a horrible babysitter," Louis teased.

She gaped. "Excuse me, I've babysat so many people. Including this doofus." She jabbed a thumb at Harry who was hunched down, sorting out his boots. "Where are the golden ones?" he asked with a pout of his own.

"Well one's on Zayn's bed while the other is downstairs," Gemma explained.

Harry pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't even want to know..."

The next day being their last day in London, Anne and Gemma suggested they go out for some fun. Everyone seemed to agree and they settled on shopping a bit downtown before heading back and having a picnic in the park. Zayn was thrilled by the idea and enjoyed walking on the sidewalk, surprisingly not running off. He asked for gummy bears a few times, but Louis was quick to remind him of the only on Saturday's rule. Liam was surprised it had worked so well.

They managed to lay low in the park, though a few shots were definitely taken. There's never much they can do without the paparazzi finding out. News about Zayn had finally died down a little as it sunk through that it was true, though he was the main heading for each article.

A day later, when the boys had woken up early to drop Anne and Gemma off on the airport, Zayn seemed as sad as ever.

"Hawwy'sh mum not coming back?" he asked, wringing his hands together.

"Dear, you can call me Anne," Anme said with a smile. She kneeled down. "Don't worry, we'll be back."

"Yeah. Cookie buddies for life, right?" Gemma held out her fist and Zayn bumped it carefully.

Liam smiled at them before pulling his phone out and calling Sophia. For once, she picked up immediately. "What is it, Liam?"

"I know you're busy-"

"No, I can't babysit," she said, cutting him off. Liam rolled his eyes, he had expected that. "How's your aunt?"

"She's fine."

"Out from the hospital?"


"Okay, then," Liam said, shaking his head at Niall's questioning look. "I'll call you again later, I have to go-"

"Wait Liam. We need to talk. Come over in an hour."

Liam sighed. "Sophia, I can't. I'm dropping off Harry's-"

"Just do it! It's important."

"I'll see. Maybe later today." He ended the call before saying goodbye, annoyance settling in him. Rolling his eyes one last time, he pocketed the phone and walked over to the boys.

"Since Sophia can't babysit, one of us'll have to stay at home," Louis said with a sigh.

Gemma shouldered her backpack, hand curled around the handle to her handbag. "I don't get it, why don't we just bring him with us?"

Zayn grinned, jumping up and down. "Jayn love Gemma!"

Liam smiled at his enthusiasm, annoyance gone. "Okay then, let's all go. But no being sad, okay? We'll see them soon again."

Zayn nodded, running over and grabbing his blue shoes. "Jayn come with. No shad, vewy happy!" He grinned up at them as a proof and Anne pulled his jacket from the cupboard. "Great! Maybe we'll meet Mr. Mark on the way."

"Mawk?" Zayn asked, face scrunching up in confusion. Niall bent down to help him put on the jacket.

"Yeah didn't you say his name was Mark? You know, Buddy," Gemma reminded him with a laugh. Zayn's face lit up and he nearly smacked Niall in the face as he waved his hands. "Buddy! Jayn wanna meet Buddy!"

Liam laughed, picking him up. "Well then, let's go!"

Double update, although a little late! Went out for bowling today, totally unexpected. Sorry!

Leave a comment of your favorite scene in this entire book and I'll dedicate a chapter to one random person! (:


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