At the same time, there were a lot of people like Zhao Yushan in the empire who paid attention to the Blue Star Restaurant. They shared her thoughts about going to Xiaobai's planet and eating his dishes someday. There were also some passers-by who were attracted this time, such as Zhao Yushan's roommates.

"Qing, look at this! I've found a treasure chef." In the dormitory of the girls in grade-3 in high school, a girl with a ponytail shared her information with her friend happily.

Shen Liangqing glanced at the pictures on the screen and then shifted her gaze in disdain. "Why would anyone eat these raw materials? I have no interest in eating them. My brother makes much better food than him."

Zhao Yushan was sitting on the upper berth before, but she sat straight when she saw the photo of the chaffy dish on the screen, thinking she had found a friend who shared the same interest with her. Hearing Shen Liangqing's words, she couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Shen Liangqing was from the Shen family, and her brother was Shen Liangxu, Senior Bai's disciple in the Chef Guild. He had a high talent for cooking and shared a big reputation in the field. Therefore, Shen Liangqing was always arrogant in her school, looking down upon other chefs.

"This is called a chaffy dish. You will have to boil these ingredients in the pot before eating them. I heard it tasted delicious." The girl was obviously used to Shen Liangqing's reaction.

Hearing this, Shen Liangqing looked more arrogant. "How can that thing be delicious after you put all of them together? Are you sure that's not for pigs? I can't understand why anyone would eat that thing. How dare he show such limited talent to us and claim himself a chef?"

"You haven't even tried it yet. How come you know it tastes bad? Or do you think all the netizens there have lost their smell and felt wrong when eating it? But can you judge it with a simple glance?" Zhao Yushan couldn't help refuting.

She wouldn't confront Shen Liangqing at ordinary times, but it didn't mean she could bear it when others disgrace Xiaobai's name without even trying his dishes.

If Shen Liangqing did try the dishes but felt bad about them, Zhao Yushan couldn't accept that she might complain, but she wouldn't let the former fabricate anything against Xiaobai without eating his dishes.

"My family has been chefs for generations. I've tasted more dishes than you know of. It's obviously a dish for fun. Only you penniless people would love it. How impolitic you are." Shen Liangqing didn't think she had said anything wrong. In her opinion, the so-called chaffy dish would have become popular in the Central Star if it was as delicious as the netizens claimed on Starnet. She didn't believe a chef on a remote planet would have the chance to surpass others on other planets, especially on the Central Star.

Zhao Yushan wasn't convinced, "Even so, can you guarantee that you have tried all the delicacies in the world? Lacking self-knowledge is far worse than having no knowledge at all."

"You…" Shen Liangqing was annoyed, glaring at her.

Zhao Yushan wasn't afraid at all. Although her family was not as decent as the Shen family, it didn't mean she would bear all this silently.

Even the royal members didn't dare to say that they had tried all the dishes in the empire. How dare Shen Liangqing boast like this?

The Shen family had thought highly of their family in recent years. But they should know better that there were always people who were superior to them.

88. Fang Weixuan

Zhou Xingchu and Gu Mangzhong left M95 Planet happily with a bunch of ingredients and prepared delicacies from Gu Bai, while the other fans chose to stay.

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