[It can talk?!] (Laine)

While all of them were shocked with the sudden appearance of an ally, Jack who was beneath the 1st basement...he was already within the 2nd basement at this period of time.
[Good, all is now within place] I am now securing a room within the 2nd basement level.

Fortifying this place with 3 machine gunner Stalkers and 5 BRD-01 Spectres equipped with the EVA-8 shotgun, the place has become a killing area for potential idiot members of the BVO.

The reason why I secured a room was because I was planting satchel charges with triggers within this room. Why? The reason is simple, on the back of the wall I am facing is the ARK. Also, the other reason is very simple....I just want a nice boom at the end.

[Satchel charges secured...I guess time to move towards the main thing then]
[My brothers and sisters!!! The time has come! Our plan to have the world be reborn is now coming to the final act!!! It shall now happen!!!] (??) Preaching sh*t towards his subordinates and subjects, the leader was unaware of the next event that shall change is life forever.


The ceiling of the 2nd basement got punched with a hole due to an explosion. Dust then lingers...so the members of the BVO saw but only his silhouette and the blue glow of the visor of his helmet.

[Hello, I am just a nobody, you have planned something stupid, so I shall cease your heresy]


As they say "professional have standards", so do I

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

As they say "professional have standards", so do I.



And one goes to hell in an instant. They scattered like ants and decided to flee the area, however...one guy remained at his position as he puts the ark behind his back as if protecting it with all of his puny life.

[WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING RATS?!!!!!] Time to close the exit points!

*Click Click!*


Whoever was unlucky to get caught by those sure would die, after all 50 ticks detonated consecutively in different potential exit points causing that new year nostalgia to come to my ears.

Back at the game, in the 2nd franchise's campaign single player mode, it was back at that sewer plant (was it?) that ticks were deployed to whoop your ass before a boss fight later on.

I still remember that funny but very fatal moment when 10 ticks gathered and ganged me up causing me to die in an instant. Even though I was already sliding my ass away and grappling at whatever I got hold, the AOE of those tiny bastards are really something.

That is what the situation is here, however the reason for their detonation is to prevent these guys from running away.

[Y-You?!!! What have you done?! Do you even know that our cause in changing the world is?!!!!] (??) Oh and here is his stupid preach.

[Jesus christ, and the other gods of this world, may you forgive me for what I am about to do to this damned man] I was pointing the muzzle of the AAGL at him when all of a sudden...

[Ha...Hahahaha...Ahahahahahahaha! You stupid, this is already armed and is about to explode!] (??)

Sh*t. He even ran away when I was confused.

But sadly he was too late.

{Fire it}

{Roger that—} ()


Blue energy particles propelled a supersonic projectile traveling at over 1 mach...luckily or unluckily hitting one of the leaders of the BVO who was fleeing.

I also need to take care of something...

[RRRRRROOOOOOYYYYYYY!!!!!!!] (??) That familiar shrill low sound, it echoed within the now deserted basement.

The ground also shook, for there was not just that, but also countless red glow of markers to approach me here within the hall the ark was also present.

[I guess time to be in the rip and tear BS scenario huh...how iconic] I readied the AAGL as countless Stalkers and BRD-01 Spectres have appeared behind me.

[Boys, time for an all out onslaught!!!!!!] The blue glow of their lenses along with the deafening sound of guns cocking...a fight between machine and man versus golems shall now commence.

All for one objective...to secure this ARK behind me and remove its existence from this world.

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα