He Broke The World...

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A/N: Niko Declares War On The World...


No one in the entire class was happy to hear what Niko had to say. Whatever was his own mind, whatever he had to say, it was going to be twisted.

Niko: Here's a message to all heroes and villains everywhere~~~! Since the beginning of the quirk era! In a world  where quirks are dominant over others. There is no tolerance for free speech, rights of any sort, and there is no happy go lucky land. Would you go and fight and flee back, rebel against the strong? Destroy and conquer the weak? Or would you rather join them, and be unified? No. Welcome to The World Where Dreams Becomes Nightmares! Please have a seat~~~!

Jack: He's enjoying this way too much.

Souta: I hate to admit it but I agree with him.

Samuel: He's still have that shit eating grin on his face...It annoys me...

Yin: *Growls* That makes two of us.

Mikoto: (Three of us...)

Niko: But let's be honest everyone. The definition of "human" has died out very very long time ago. Quirkism. That is the problem.

Luna: W-What is quirkism?

Riku: People probably feel supirior to others that have weaker quirks than them.

Kenji: It's another word for racism.

Luna: Oh....

Mikoto: Like how Bakugou makes fun and beats up Izuku back in the past because he's quirkless.

Sylvia: Well...I'm not sure if thats the main reason because he already told us why he did it.

Eito: Maybe Bakugou just finds him annoying, but he definitely hates midoriya and picks on him more because he's quirkless once.

Jack: Quirkless huh...Knew how that feels.

Like Midoriya, Jack is also picked on by his middle school classmates because he was quirkless. The only friends he had was Luna and Samuel back then who broke him out of his shell before his quirk manifested. Well thats it. Because he was Quirkless! Thats also the little nickname thing. "Quirkless."

Another word for Useless.

Niko: This hero society had driven itself to chaos because of Quirkism or Quirkless Discrimination. Do any heroes would do anything to help these people who are going through these type of problems. No. Do you think the police are discriminatory towards quirkless people or people with mutant-type quirks. Yes. No. Maybe.  What I'm saying: people probably get discriminated against because they have weaker quirks or are quirkless. In a society of people with super powers, they probably think they are superior.

Riku: So in conclusion...

Hein: So yeah. Racism but with quirks. Quirkism.


Mio: OMG....

Niko: Saddest thing is, that's how villains are made...Thanks to the heroes. This world is now filled with disarray and chaos.

Mikoto: That's because it's your fault too!!!

Niko: It's funny how heroes are supposed to be the gleaming symbol admired by all. Those whom are representatives of justice, love, and peace. But no...they have failed us. They have failed us all. The rays of hope had been snuffed out leaving behind those who yearned for protection and salvation.

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