Kenji's Request

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A/N: Kenji sends a request. Chaos Ensures.

Plot: This chapter is played for laughs. Rated PG-13 for Eito Bashing. Lol.

Request: Take care of my bats.

Description: I'm going to step out for a bit to run some errands. I need you some of you guys to watch Lily and the others for at least an hour or so. Usually I would ask Koda-kun to do it but he's not around at the moment. I guess he's busy. So be careful, these guys like to cause mischief. If anyone willing go help out. I would appreciate it. Except for you Maria. I haven't forgiven you for your stunt earlier.

Maria: ;_;....

Mio: Better next time, girl...

Souta: If Kenji would allow it, that is...

Client - Kenji

Payment - 30,000 yen

Rank: 3.


Jack: Aw man! Do we really have to do this?

Eito: Of course!

After finding Kenji's Request on the class' bulletin board. Eito became very excited so he asked the Eitosquad to help him pitch in.

Samuel: I've never really taken care of pets before. Usually taking care of animals is more of Koda or Maria's thing.

Luna: Yeah...but Kenji said Maria is forbidden to come near his bats after a little incident earlier.

Destiny: Well that's on her. That's what she gets for trying to take his bats....again.

Samuel: *Disappointed* She should've learned her lesson by now.

Jack: And since Kenji can't trust her to be around his bats...and Koda-kun is out...

Eito: That will leave us!

Luna: Umm...No Eito. The five of us are not exactly the best pet-sitters around U.A. I'm sure someone could take the request.

Destiny: Yeah. Class Rep has a dog. Hein is pretty responsible. Lilac is also good at taking care of people...animals too. To the list goes on.

Eito: No way! This is my chance to prove myself worthy to Kenji!

Jack: Dude. You already lost your chance. Time to give up.

Destiny: This is sad...Like Really...

Samuel: I'm sorry Eito but Jack has a point. At this rate, you're just being desperate...and it's a little sad seeing you act this way.

Luna: When will you learn that Kenji isn't interested.

Eito: Bah! Like never! I'll find a way to repair our relationship and this is the first step.

Destiny/Luna: So Hopeless.

Eito: Shut up! Here we go!

The Eitosquad takes on the request and send it to Kenji. They then went on over to his room in the dormitory. When Kenji opened the door for them. He wasn't happy to see them. Especially Eito.

Kenji:....Oh for the love of...

He puts his hands on his head as if he's about to have an migraine.

Jack: What's that supposed to mean, bro?!

Destiny: This is all Eito's idea.

Luna: Just so you know....if things go bad, everything is 100% all Eito's fault~!

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