Revival Celebration Fight

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After the chaos have occured, after superpowers first appeared. Not just suppression, but liberation.

Everyone was full upscale and protesters were everywhere.

Signs were shown "Meta Powers" or "Using Meta Powers is a right."

Niko wanted to laugh and gloat at these people.

Niko: (It's just as I suspected...These people want to have freedom to their quirks. In a excuse to use them in meta power as a natural right. Destro brought them all together in liberation advocate to formed the Meta Liberation Army.)

???: GET HIM!


Niko used his shadow claws and slashed them both in two. More people continued to show up as Niko manically laughed.

Niko: (This is fun! So much fun! I wanted this...! I wanted this...! The yearning...the craving...the urges...)

Blood had spilled everywhere. No matter how many times these people continued to fight him using their random quirks, Niko would slashed them all up into pieces.

???: You won't escape us!

???: You should join us!!!

One of the idiot civilians had a fan quirk on their arms to try and blow him away while another using some kind of net quirk to capture him. He saw it coming and literally tackled the woman with her net quirk before ripping her vocal cords out and watched with amusement as blood spilled everywhere. Some of the ground, some of his clothes.

Her screams were amusing...

He laughed...and laughed...

The random man with the fan quirk looked in horror and he tried to run away but didn't get far as Niko stomped on his face before slashing his back torturing him.

The man screams were so delighted to him.

He wanted to see these people in their final moments. He gave them the opportunity to think they stand a chance against him only for him to shut them down and kill them.

He wanted to see the despair on there faces.



The pain and despair were very exhilarating, the spine tingling madness. The path of insanity. It almost turned him on.

Niko: Give me more

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Niko: Give me more...

Juurou and Miyumi had partnered up and had their own fair share of fights. Juurou had shot down multiple people who tried to get near them. Miyumi would sometimes pull off her mask showing her quirk: Death and kill anyone within her radar.

The Voodoo Brothers were also taking their sweet time killing others in their way. Remy would trap people in his voodoo rituals while Teddy turned into a voodoo monster and slashed his victims down or brutally injured them enough for them to no longer fight.

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