Shirakumo Oboro

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At U.A, both Eraserhead and Present Mic were having a small conversation in the teacher's lounge. Present Mic was resting his entire body on one green couch looking utterly exhausted while Aizawa sat on another green couch.

Present Mic: Ugh...This day has been nothing but hell...

Eraserhead: What would you do?

Present Mic: Something easy to digest would be nice, like udon...

Eraserhead: With the work studies and everything, the safety commission knows something.

Present Mic: Yeah...

Eraserhead: If you found who's making the Nomus, what would you do?

Present Mic: *Angry* I'll fly over there and have a karaoke contest. I'll boiled their guts and make offal soup.

Eraserhead:....I see...

Even though he was a hero, Present Mic chose violence in the end. He didn't blame him. They both had their emotions pushed over the edge.

Eraserhead:...It has been a rough year...for all of us.

Present Mic: Especially for the little listeners. I'm not just talking about 1-A or 1-C. I'm talking about all three classes. Each and every one of them had suffered one way or another.

Eraserhead: Mic...

Present Mic: *Sad* And then there was what happened earlier...when we learned what him!


While in the car, an increasingly agitated Eraserhead and Present Mic make their way to Taratus Prison.

They both had wondered if what they've been called in for is just a big misunderstanding, as they arrive and meet up with Mizuki Ashikaga,
Geysis, Naomasa Tsukachi, and Gran Torino.

Naomasa: Now remember you two.  The nature of the Nomu is modified by human bodies which are created with the purpose of utilizing multiple Quirks.

Mizuki: According to the research we found...their hearts and brains are all twisted so they are not considered living beings, but mere puppets. However, they have discovered something that drastically changes things.


Present Mic:...We understand...Thank You...

They enter the cell of Kurogiri.

Mizuki: We have been trying to interrogate him regarding information about the League Of Villains.

Geysis:....However he only ever talks to us about useless stuff and shuts us down when bringing of the League. Any other information is clearly futile unless you want to bring out torture methods. But I bet even that will keep him clammed up. So we'll be just wasting our time.

Hearing all that made the two heroes impatient.

Eraserhead: What's going on?

Gran Torino reveals that his Warp Gate Quirk is a culmination of multiple Quirk Factors.

Gran Torino: The root factor bears a striking resemblance to the Quirk of someone you two are familiar with.

Eraserhead: ?!!

Present Mic: N-No! Are you serious?! You don't mean-?!

Geysis: It's your old friend and classmate, Oboro Shirakumo.

Aizawa remained speechless while Present Mic looked ready to cry and throw up but tried to regain his composure.

If this was some kind of sick joke, then they're not laughing...

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