Jack & Souta (1/2)

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A/N:.....Oh Dear. What have I done???

Plot: Jack and Souta hating each other for an entire chapter. 

Request: Working Together. (Note: This is a on-going quest. An attempt to get Class 1-C back in order.)

Description: Hey Guys. I know I'm in no position to ask you for such a request but since things have gotten very shaky between all of us. I want all of us to go on some missions while taking on these requests. It's been a while since any of us used the quest board. So maybe I thought we could this as a excuse to repair our relationship. It's either this or meeting up face to face which I know some of you won't do that. I've already decided on how should go with whom. Save your complaints for later. Be thankful I'm paying from my own allowance.

Client - Mikoto Yukimura

Payment - 20,000 yen

First Team - Jack and Souta



Both boys whom were in there hero costumes were now in Musutafu, Japan, which is somewhat close to U.A about a couple of miles away. Mikoto had assigned them to be in this specific city to locate any villains.

Jack: Oh Hell No!

Souta: Believe me. I don't want to see your face either.

Jack: That makes two of us. I can't believe Yukimura is making us do all this. What is he thinking?!

Souta: Hey. Don't diss him out like that. He just wants us to work together.

Jack: Sure. Whatever you say, Simp.

Souta: *Glares* Excuse Me? Whose an simp? Last time I check, I'm not the type of guy whose goes around trying to hit on every girl in Class 1-A, especially Yaoyorozu.

Jack: Shut up. She's pretty cute, okay!

Souta: Plus, FYI. You really need to learn how to talk to girl.

Jack: Why talk. Woman love guys who strong and all action~!

Souta: Like you know what a girl really wants...

Jack: Same to you. Which is why I don't see you with a girl!

The two started their annual fighting as usual ignoring the people that were staring at them.

Souta: At least I'm some stupid idiot who plagiarizing off of people's songs!

Jack: Shut your damn mouth! At least I don't go around acting all high and mighty! Word of advice, get off your high horse!

Souta: At least I don't treat my friends horribly while jumping to conclusions!

Jack: At least I'm not a creepy nightmare child who always calling everyone an idiot!

Souta: FUCK YOU!


The two growled at each other bumping their heads together while giving off killer intent.

After a few minutes of arguing and cussing at one another, they stopped.

Souta: Tsk! Since time has been wasted. I feel bad for Mikoto because it's obvious we're never going to get anywhere.

Jack: True dat. I don't even want to spend the whole day with you. Your face makes me sick.

Souta: Everything about you makes me want to throw up. You act like you are popular but in the end, you're not.

Class 1-C - Book 2: Heroes & LegendsWhere stories live. Discover now