Submit Your OC Here

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Hello Everybody, Shiho here with the moment you all been waiting for...
Class 1-C! Oh yeah, we are back!!!

It's a whole year and a few months but yeah...

If you're not familiarize with how this works. Like I said with the other story. This is the chance where your OC will become a part of my story. Alright everybody, here's the thing.

Since we already have a whole class full of OCs. This time is different.

You remember them...right?

I'm looking for at least a handful of OCs to at least be either students of U.A, heroes, vigilantes, or villains.

So this time, they don't have to be a hero...they can be more. 

As for me, I'll be introducing two news OCs to the story.

So let's get physical~!

If your OC isn't human. That's okay. I'll still accept them. (Ex. Werewolf, Demon, Fairy, Dragon, etc.)

They can even be an animal. Or half-human, half-animal. Doesn't matter. (Example: Neko(Cat), Inu(Dog), Etc.)

Their quirk. (They can be anything. Even if it has to be a mutant one or a dual quirk...)

And for the love of God...Please do not make them too OP (Over-Powered).

So here's where you can submit them.




Stereotype: (Jock, Prep, Nerd, or Goth)









Hero/Vigilante/Villain Name:

Hero/Vigilante/Villain Outfit: (Be Creative. What does it look like?)

Regular Clothes:







I will not accept your character if you comment too late no matter how good the character is. Make sure the character is at least decent and not a Mary Sue or a Gary Stu. They're not accepted. Okay? Good! Due to work, I will only update on certain days. So you guys got a whole week or so. See you all later!

OMG...I can't believe this is happening again. I'm a little nervous yet excited at how this story will turn out. I hope it will successful as the last one.

Go Beyond!

Plus Ultra~~~!!!

Class 1-C - Book 2: Heroes & LegendsWhere stories live. Discover now