Chapter 55

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We got down to the basement—it was a weird feeling down here. I shivered slightly as I have suddenly gotten cold as something went past me.

I looked at Sam as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I smile slightly. I looked around this place—it looked creepy.

Caleb filmed some parts for his channel as we tagged along in this video, I couldn't help but notice in once while he kept looking at me with a smirk.

I shrugged it off and looked at the camera.

He was talking about if we could try to contact a ghost with a speaker box. Those types where you can contact a ghost by them going through some things through news stations.

I remember Sam, Jake, and Corey using one before in a video a while ago. It seems pretty interesting.

"Hello is anyone here?" Caleb asked the speaker, as it just made static noises for a little bit.

"Yes." It rang through, it sounded like a girl.

"Who are you?" Sam asked and I moved a little closer to him.

"No." It rang through again as we all looked at each other confused about what it means by that.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Caleb asked as the box made static noises.

"Leave." It says as I shivered and chewed my lip.

"You can't tell us what to do," Caleb said as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Not safe." It says as I felt fear in me.

"C'mon Caleb I-it's wants us to leave," I said as he glared at me.

"You guys are just scared, this is so cool." He said and I looked around frantically as l felt the air getting colder.

"Bro I just got chills!!" Corey said with wide eyes, with fear.

Corey always believed in these types of things, of his own experiences also. So he's pretty scared about this one.

"Did you die here?" Caleb asked.

"Yes." It responded.

"Be careful." It said again causing me to move to Sam closer.

Before we could say anything the speaker turned off.

"What!?" Caleb said trying to turn the speaker on.

"Theirs no way-it haves new battery's." Caleb groans as I looked around, feeling like we're not the only ones here.

"It's fine Caleb...we can go back to the room?" Sam suggests as Caleb groans again.

"Fine..lets go." He said before leaving and I looked at Sam.

He smiled at me before grabbing my hand and left too.

"A few Hours Later"

"We could try something else?" Caleb asked going through his camera.

"What then?" I whispered and he smirked at me.

"In the bathroom, there are rules to do Bloody Mary." He said as I suck in a breathe.

"Two of us should do it," Jake suggested as I put my hands on my head.

"Colby and I should do it...together?" Caleb says as I looked at him and shook my head and Sam shook his head also.

"C'mon doll...this would be fine it's not probably not gonna work." He said as I tense up lightly at the nickname and chewed my lip.

"No, he's not...with you," Sam growled as Caleb throw his hands up in defense.

"Also b*tch don't call him doll." Sam growled and Corey went in front of them, just Incase if their will be a fight.

"Okay, Okay, Cmon let him experience this without you...I'll do nothing to him...we're just doing a game." He said as Sam clenched his jaw but nodded.

"Fine.." Sam whispered and let go of my hand.

I didn't want to do this with Caleb.

Sam kissed me before I stand up with my cane and Caleb and I went inside the bathroom.

He locked the door as I looked at the rules of the game.

It was easy, turned off the light with candles on and say Bloody Mary three times before spinning three times also.

I swallowed thickly as we turned off the light after putting on the candles.

"Bloody Mary." We both said repeating it two more times.

We spin 3 more times—nothing happens.

(This part might be a little triggering.)

"Nothing is happening," I whispered as he smirked at me, putting down his camera coming a little closer to me and I backed away a little.

"C'mon princess you're so beautiful." He whispered so quietly and his hand went on my jawline and I tense up.

"I-I have a husband and I don't like you," I whispered as he rolled his eyes looking up and down on my body.

"I can treat you so much better...I can make you feel so much better." He whispered as I tried to open the door.

But it was the lock, Caleb locked it.

"N-no," I whispered as he nibbled my ear and chuckled.

"If you tell them...I'm gonna kill them." He whispered as I clenched my jaw with fear.

I managed to unlock the door and walked out of the bathroom, pretending nothing happen.

" didn't work?" Sam asked as I sat next to him.

I shook my head as Caleb sat down on the couch.

I couldn't tell them...I didn't know what Caleb can do.

I snuggled into Sam, but what happen still feared me.

I felt disgusted with myself.

A/N: 🙈 on Christmas break so accept more updates...hopefully ❤️ To be honest I'm not liking Caleb either 😂

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