Chapter 13

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School is over for them.

•••Time Skip to few weeks•••

"How do you like the new house Baby?" Sam asked as he sat me on our shared bed.

Our friends, Corey, Devyn, Katrina, Elton, Jake, Sam, and I just moved into a house together. We're calling it the Trap house.

"Oh, I love it." I giggled as he kissed my forehead.

"Don't forget, that you have to go to physical therapy today," Sam said as I huff a breath, not feeling like going.

"C'mon lighted up, I thought you liked going to physical therapy?" Sam says as I shrug.

"Used to," I grumbled.

Recently I've been not feeling like even going to physical therapy. Usually, for my therapy sessions, they try to stretch out my legs to try to get me back to walking.

I got a new therapist since we moved to LA but still, I didn't want to go. I've also been feeling sick and haven't been feeling motivated to do things.

I sigh as he checked my forehead to see if I was warm.

"Your not warm, but I can cancel the appointment for today alright?" He asks as I smiled at him and nodded.

"Alright, I'm gonna call her." He said and kisses me, before leaving the room to call her.

I sigh and laid flat on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Besides the sick thing, I've been a little snappy at Sam. I don't mean to but I just snap at him, he understands that I'm probably sick and just getting annoyed.

Sam walked back into our room with a small smile.

"I just Cancel it, what do you want to do?" He asks as I smiled softly at him.

"Cuddles!" That was all I said making him chuckle and hopped in bed next to me pulling me into him.

"If you keep getting sick, you'll have to go to the doctors." He said after the silence we were just in.

I pouted my lip and shook my head.

"That's one choice Colbs." He said with a sigh and I nodded and snuggled my head into his chest. We stayed like this for a while until Katrina came in without knocking making me flinch.

"What it is Katrina?" Sam asked with a laugh as she bit her lip and was holding to big things.

"Uh... I need to talk to Colby alone..oh Sam you can get my makeup please!" She asked as Sam chuckled.

He agreed and help me to sit up on the bed and kissed my forehead before leaving.

"Was is it Kat?" I asked as she sat on the bed and put the dresses she was holding on the bed.

"I'm talking to this boy recently and he asked me out and we're going out to eat tonight." She said shyly and I smiled at her.

"Tara and Devyn are both busy today and I couldn't think of anybody else, so....can you?" She says with a smile.

"Hm...okay, what do you want me to do?" I asked as she squealed.

I always think of Katrina being my sister, she always knew what to say and seems like a sister. Since I do not have one.

"I don't know what dress to pick?" She said gesturing to the red and blue sparkly dress.

"Hmm....the red dress!" I said with a nod as she smiled and Sam came in with her make-up.

"I...I think I've got the right things?" Sam said with scrunch brows as Katrina nodded and grabbed them.

"You got a date or something kat?" Sam asked with a laugh as she nodded with a small smile.

"He better treat you right then," Sam said as I started to get a spot ready for me to do her make-up.

"I'm gonna put on my dress and then you do my makeup." She squeals and skips to get dress and I laughed.

When she came back, she looked beautiful with a sparkly dress. It matches her style. The dress was perfectly tight on her waist, She walked over shyly and I gestured her to sit in front of me so I could do her make-up.

These past months of me being paralyzed and can't do anything, so the girls taught me how to do make-up and their hair so I've been doing that.

When I got done with her make-up, I started curling her hair with a curling iron. While I was doing her hair, I couldn't help but look at Sam as he looked at me with admiration and so much love in his eyes, I thought I could even explode.

I shook my head and focus on doing kats hair. A few minutes later, I was done with her hair.

"Done!" I chirped and turn off the curling iron and set it down as she gasps.

"Woah!! Thanks so much, Colby!!" She squealed as she looked at herself in the mirror, spinning around as I smiled.

"No problem." I smiled as Sam grabbed the make-up stuff and went to put it away.

"You're a lifesaver." She breathed out and hugged me as Sam came back into the room.

"You are just like a sister to me, So why not?" I said with a chuckle as she pulled away and put her hand on her heart. (To be honest, I see Colby and Kats friendship like this in real life.)

She hugged Sam and we wish her luck, she then left to go on her date.

"That guy better treat her right," I grumbled as Sam pulled me into him.

"Yeah he better." He whispered and kissed my forehead as I closed my eyes.

We watched a movie for an hour before I started to feel nauseous again.

It was one strange thing about being sick this time, I would casually throw up but not always.

"You alright baby?" Sam asked and I shook my head and covered my mouth, he looked at me with wide eyes and picked me up, and took me into the bathroom.

I gag and started to throw up as he just sat me down near the toilet.

"It's okay, let it all out..their, their," Sam cooed and rubbed my back as I just puked my guts out.

I whimpered as I flushed the toilet and he pulled me into him.

"Shh...shh." Sam hushed as I wonder why I'm suddenly getting sick here and there.


Sam and I had sex a few weeks ago.

Ever since then I started to get sick.

Did I start to have systems of something?

I tense up as I thought the only reason why this is happening.

I could be pregnant.

A/N: hehe I'm evil🤭 hope you guys like this!

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