Chapter 4

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Sam's POV

I sign and as we all went back to Colby's room to wait for him to get back from x-rays.

It was just me and Colby's friends and parents. My parents couldn't stay due to work. I let out a sign and look at the time. '3:30'. It's been probably 20 minutes since they left with Colby.

I hated that I couldn't be there with him.

As we waited Elton came in with food from McDonald's.

"I came with foooood!" Elton sang with a cheerful voice and handed everyone their food.

"I also got Colby something to eat..I know how bad the hospital food is," Elton explains and gestures to chicken nuggets he got Colby.

"That is okay Elton thank you." Colby's mom said with a small smile and ate her food.

He nodded with a smile and grabbed a Hamburger and handed it to me.

"Sam you better eat, or I'll shove it down your throat," Elton said and glared at me as I sigh and grabbed the food.

Knowing he would shove the food down my throat. I started eating a few bites of the hamburger but I felt sick to my stomach.

It always happens when I'm nervous, and I'm nervous about the results. I know I'm gonna support him through everything, but I know this is going to be hard for him.

Right when I got done eating my food, the nurses wheeled in Colby. We all moved away to give them room.

"We do not know the results just yet but I'll tell you guys in an hour." The blonde nurse says and smiled at us.

We all nodded in response.

"Is it okay if Colby will eat? I got him chicken nuggets?" Elton asks as she smiled and nodded.

"Yay that's okay.. just don't eat fast Colby." She said as he nodded slowly and smiled weakly.

She and the others nurses then left. I grabbed the nuggets and sat next to Colby as his mom help him to sip up a little bit to eat.

I help him eat as he ate tiredly.

"When you get done eating, you can sleep," I said quietly with a small laugh. He nodded slowly and chewed on the food.

He is being so strong.

He is honestly the best boyfriend in the world to call him Mine.

When he got done eating, he lay back down as I covered a warm blanket on him.

"Go to sleep I'll still be here when you wake up," I mumble and kissed his forehead.

He hummed and close his eyes as I sign and moved the pieces of hair that were in his face.

"Your the best boyfriend in the world you know that Sam?" Colby's mom said to me as I sigh with a smile.

"I try to be," I said quietly and sat on a chair next to him and grabbed his hand.

"He loves you know that right?" She said as I smiled and look at the sleeping boy.

"I know," I whispered and look at him as I felt my love for him grow more.

From now on I'm gonna protect him, I just hope nothing happens again.

We watch some movies on the TV we had here. Maybe an hour later the nurse with blonde hair came back.

"So what are the results?" Colby's mom asked worriedly as his dad hold her by the waist.

"Well...he is paralyzed." She confirmed as my heart dropped.

"S-so will be able to walk again?" His mom asks.

"Well there is a chance..he will probably need to do physical therapy." The nurse said with a smile.

"Right now he just needs the support he needs." She said and looked at Colby's sleeping body.

"And we will give that to him," I mumble and kissed his hand.

•••Colby's POV•••

I woke up maybe a few hours later by the TV being on but no one was watching it.

"He'll be crushed.." I heard Sam say with a shaky breath.

"Be c-crushed what do y-you mean?" I whispered as I looked at everyone as they look at me with sad expressions making me scrunch my brow.

"Oh-um....we got the results of your x-ray," Sam explained as he looked at me sadly.

"Paralyzed a-aren't I?" I whispered hoping I was wrong.

He nodded sadly as I frown and felt the world caving in on me.

I won't be doing the things I love, I won't be doing basketball. I probably won't be having sex with Sam for a while.

It's like the world doesn't want me to be happy.

Or be alive.

"Don't worry baby. we'll make things work." Sam said with a smile. I nodded and sign.

I guess I have to deal with being paralyzed.

A/n: hope you guys like this. I got somethings planned for this book...🤭

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