Chapter 89

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Warning: in the begging of this there is violence so don't read if you don't like that❤️

Sam's POV

"W-what? Are you alone k-kat?" Colby asked frantically as my heart started to pound in my chest.

"Y-yes, the boys are filming, the girls are at the Krack house." She whispered with a shaky voice, and we heard banging in the background.

"How about Chase? Where is he?!" I asked wondering where he is...he should be with her.

"He Uhm...coming on his way, h-he isn't with me n-now, I already c-called the police." She responded with a whisper, and I could tell that she was very scared.

This wasn't a prank.

"F*ck... okay...I'm going to come over Kat and check okay." I said as Colby looked at me giving me the 'are you crazy.' look.

"O-okay, please hurry." She whispered before hanging up and I sat up but was stopped by Colby-by him grabbing my hand.

I looked into his blue eyes seeing them filled with fair.

He was scared to lose Kat...also scared to lose me.

"I'll be safe and make sure Kat is safe, I promise," I whispered kissing his forehead before letting go of his hand.

He nodded biting his lip as I leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

"Stay safe." He said once we pulled away and I nodded and walked away.

"I will," I said, not fully believing that I would be.

I didn't know if I would come back alive which scared me.

I didn't want Colby to be a single father and about to have a kid without my support.

Since the trap house isn't that far-I ran there just because I don't want to know the intruder knows that I'm there with my car.

I got to the house seeing it was pitch black inside, also seeing that the door was open.

"F*ck." I cursed to myself quietly before going into the house-making sure I was quiet.

I felt shivers run down my spine as I heard footsteps somewhere, but I couldn't pin where it was coming from.

I shook my head and kept on walking quietly.

I was stopped by someone slamming against the wall.

"Look here, Samuel." The person growled and anger bowled in me knowing exactly who it is.

"What are you doing here Caleb?!" I growled and he smirked with a shrug, I was still against the wall.

"None Ya business Samuel." He said and I clenched my jaw.

"Well by your goddam history, I know what you were probably going to do!" I growled and he smirked.

"You're smart you know that." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"You're better off in h*ll Caleb!" I growled and he shook his head.

"That is everyone saying." He said with a chuckle, and I clenched my jaw again.

"You know what...I didn't regret f*cking your husband, he has a good body for being a f*ck toy, also have a nice--." I cut him off by pushing off of me and punching hard in his jaw.

"Don't you f*cking dare say that! You're f*cking disgusting!" I growled with a clenched fist, and he holds his jaw.

"I can do whatever I want, you can't tell me what to do-" I cut him off by hitting him again.

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