Chapter 64

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Emma's mouth dropped as we just got into the Giraffes exhibit, she giggled pointing at the giraffes.

To be honest I thought she'll be scared of them since they're tall.

"You like them, Emma?" Sam asked with a chuckle as she squealed as one of them walked over to us.

"That's probably a yes?" I said with a laugh as Sam went to go get lettuce so we could feed them.

The caretaker showed us how we feed them and handed Emma the lettuce and she scrunches her brows looking at Sam and me.

"You want to feed the giraffe?" He asked as he grabbed her and guided her to feed the giraffe.

She looked confused at first but only giggle as the giraffe ate the lettuce out of her hand.

We fed the giraffe and the other ones for a little bit before going to the next exhibit.

"She loved the giraffes," Sam said as I smiled with a nod as Emma looked around everywhere with amazement in her eyes.

"You like the zoo so far Emma?" I asked as she giggles waving her arms in the air.

I smiled and we went to the next exhibit.

"What are we seeing next?" I asked as Sam looked at the map.

"The Gorillas." He says as I nodded slowly with a smile.

We headed to see the gorillas and when we got there—there were some gorillas out.

Sam grabbed Emma and pointed at the gorillas.

Emma looked at them confused but only to started to cry and cowered into Sam as one of them started to pound on their chest.

"'s okay Emma." Sam cooed as Emma dig her head in his chest more and still was crying.

"Gorillas is a no," I said with a chuckle and rubbed her back as she sniffled.

"They're not that bad," Sam said as I raise my brows at him and he chuckled.

"Alright, a little scary." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Last time I check you wouldn't go near this exhibit?" I said as he huffs a breathe and walked away from the exhibit, taking Emma with him.

"What! I'm saying the truth?" I said walking to them as he laughed.

"Yeah yeah." He grumbled and I giggled and he kissed my forehead as Emma giggle also.

We went to the next exhibit which was the aquarium.

It was probably the biggest one because there were so many sea animals and it was inside a building.

Emma cooed as she pointed at the penguins that were swimming or jumping in the water.

"They're silly aren't they?" I asked as she giggled and hid her head in Sam's chest.

"They think their flying birds?" Sam said as I gasp and hit his arm playfully.

"Don't ruin their dreams, Samuel!" I said with a glare as his eyes went wide with a laugh.

"I was just kidding!" He said and Emma laughs as she playfully hit his chest.

"Yeah right," I said with a giggle before grabbing Emma so I could hold her.

"A few Hours Later"

"Ready to go home?" Sam whispered as I leaned my forehead on his shoulder.

Right now we were sitting on a bench to take a break and it's almost dark out.

Paralyzed // Solby (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ