Chapter 52

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I fell, backing away from it while screaming. It was like the thing was taking my soul away.

It was like the half-wolf—half-human.

I couldn't take my eyes off of it as Sam came running up to our room, but only to have the door slamming in front of him.

"COLBY!!" He yelled banging on the door, trying to open it as he kept calling my name.

I was in a state of shock as the thing looked at me, ignoring the pain ranging on my body...only feeling the eyes of the creature starring at mines.

I closed my eyes shut trying to see if the thing will go away—When I open them the thing was gone as Sam slamming the door open.

I was still in a state of shock as Sam came over to me, shaking my shoulders slightly and I snapped out of the haze I was in.

I hugged him, sobbing slightly as I felt fear taking its course.

"'s okay." He cooed, his voice was shaky—with fear.

Sam and I were never been this scared in our lives.

I sniffled and looked at Sam as he sat up with me, carrying me to our bedroom.

"What....what was in there?" He whispered knowing what probably happens.

"I-i think the d-demon that you contacted?" I whispered and snuggled into him,

"What did it look like?" He asked.

"I-I don't know...I-it look like half human and half wolf?" I whispered as he tightens his grip on me.

" could be a poltergeist?" He said causing me to scrunch my brows and look at him, he chuckles and kissed my forehead.

"A poltergeist is a type of demon and they would scare people...mostly hurt them." He says as I hummed and flinch slightly as we heard small giggles coming from Emma's room.

It sounded like Emma's—but something was off.

The giggles weren't a was a little deep-like a convince you there is a child in the room.

"Don't listen to the giggles they're a trick." He said and I nuzzled my head in his chest.

"Next Day"

"He's here!" Sam says going to the door as it rang.

Sam hired a priest to come over to our house to see how can he take care of this demon.

The paranormal stuff has been happening more often these past hours—Sam and I couldn't go to sleep last night.

I smiled at Sam cane in the living room with a guy—he was looking around the house with a concern and fear look.

"Colby this is Riley...Riley this is my husband Colby." Sam said as Riley and I shook hands.

We greeted each other before his attention went around the house.

"Sam you're right..about your house being haunted with a poltergeist...this demon seems more hateful." He said and still walked around the house.

I sigh shakily and cling to Sam.

"We need to do an exorcist." He said causing me to gasp.

"Is it dangerous?" I asked as he sighs.

"It can be...but you both have to be here when I do it...since this demon could be following you everywhere." He says and opens his book.

He started cleaning the house everywhere, but when he started to say his prayers—things started falling on the ground and the house started shaking.

Like an earthquake.

I cowered into Sam more as a scream started to fill in the air. The same scream we heard last night.

Riley said his prayers louder as the screaming gotten more intense.

I was about to say something but was cut off by the shelf we were behind falling towards. I shrieked as Sam pulled us away from it causing it to fall on the ground.

Time goes by—the screaming stopped, the shaking stopped. Riley then stopped doing his prayers and looked at us with a sigh of relief.

"You guys are safe...whatever was here, is gone." He said as Sam and I breathe a sigh of relief and I leaned my head in Sam's chest.

The house felt lighter, not sad.

It was home again.

Riley then left leaving Sam and me alone, I smiled softly at Sam as we just got done cleaning the house. Sam sat on the couch opening his arms so I could snuggle into him.

"We're Safe right now," He whispered and I closed my eyes.

We were safe now, that is what all matters.

A/n: I was gonna make it longer but nah😂 anyways hope you guys like the paranormal stuff hehehe 🙈

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