Chapter 21

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This chapter is a little triggering!

I frantically took the cover over me revealing a pool of blood in between my legs.

"S-Sam!!! Wake up!!!" I yelped as I shook him, causing him to wake up and rubbed his eyes.

"What?! Everything okay?!" He said and looked at me.

"Sam! The baby!!" I shrieked as his eyes travel down to my legs as his eyes winded.

"Oh sh*t!!" He cursed and hopped out of the bed turning on the light and run over to me.

The pain in my abdomen came back intense, making me yelp in pain as Sam sat me on the edge of the bed. I could feel stuff leaking down of my legs.

"It's okay, everything is okay." He whispered as went to grabbed me a new pair of clothes as I started to softly cry.

This feels like is a dream but you can't get out of it.

"T-the b-baby." I whimpered as Sam help me get dressed.

"I know baby shh..." He cooed as he got done dressing me up.

"I'm gonna called Dr, Hooves alright." He explained as he took his phone out and I nodded with a sniffle.

I could feel my whole body shake as he talks to her on the phone.

This can't be happening.

I wanted to wake up in this nightmare.

The baby had to be alright.

Sam got done talking to her on the phone and picked me up not bothering to grab my wheelchair. He ran me to our car and started driving to the hospital.

"'s okay shh..." He cooed as I started to cry, feeling the world caving on me.

Who I will be kidding the baby had to be alright.

This could be a false alarm?

He then got us to the hospital, Quickly getting me out of my seat. Rushing us into the building.

"Oh, God! Sam and Colby! Follow me!" A nurse Lilly says gesturing Sam to follow her.

She leads us to a room and Sam tried to lay me down but I couldn't let go of him.

"Shh...I'm right here I'm not going anywhere." He cooed as started to cry again.

"I-I'm s-scared!" I choked out as he kisses my forehead.

"I know I'm am too, I'm not going anywhere." He said and I let go of him.

He grabbed my hand sitting next to me.

The door slammed open, revealing Dr, Hooves as she put her hair in a bun.

"Colby." She breathed out and I chewed my lip.

"T-the b-baby." I choked out as she started to get the ultrasound ready.

"I know, stay calm alright take deep breaths." She said and lifts my shirt and puts gel on it.

I watch her every move as she put the wand on my abdomen, looking at the screen to see the baby.

"I'm..... I'm so sorry guys." She said as I started to sob loudly.

We lost the baby.

Sam went to my embrace, pulling me into him as Dr, Hooves wipe the gel off of my stomach.

"I'm so so sorry baby," Sam whispered as I sobbed into him as Dr, Hooves sniffled.

"I-it was a-anxiety I-I...I!" I choked out as Sam swayed me back and forth.

It felt like I couldn't breathe.

I didn't want to breathe.

"No It wasn't, things happen Colby. I know this seems to you that's it's your fault but it ain't!" Dr. Hooves said as I just sob into Sam.

"It's all my fault!" I sobbed as Sam shook his head.

"This ain't baby, things happen." He said with a sniffle.

Dr. Hooves left us alone, my sobs died down. I would sniffle here and there.

"I-I'm s-so s-sorry Sam!" I wailed into Sam as he sat upholding me.

"No don't apologize, never apologize." He said as we left the hospital.

This took the cake, so many bad things happen to me but this took it.

This was the worst thing that ever happens to me.

I felt empty, I couldn't shake the fact that I failed to be a father. Sam was so excited to become a parent, but things changed.

I failed Sam.

I was too embarrassed to face the world, to face our friends. To face my parents.

So I shut myself out.

A/N: I'm sorry guys🥺

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