Chapter 88

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This chapter is kind of longer than expected so get comfy 😘

"Sam! I'm uncomfortable! Can I pleaseee do something?!" I whined as he sighs shaking his head.

It's been one month since the car crash-and me being paralyzed-again.

I was also officially 9 months pregnant.

The baby could come any day honestly—I mean by how huge I am probably any hour.

I thought I would handle being pregnant while being paralyzed—oh I was wrong about that.

Consistently having to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes, feeling super uncomfortable, and being hot.

Not being able to do stuff or even do stuff with Emma since all she wants to do is something that involves walking and I can't do that.

And I was still healing from the crash and can't take pills because I'm pregnant—I'm inconsistently in pain.

That's the worst part—every time I try to move all I can feel is pain running over my body.

Enough complaining though, I was still happy being pregnant.

"Sorry Babe, you're still healing." He said as I groan rolling my eyes, knowing that he is right.

"I know...why are you always right?" I asked as he chuckled.

"I don't know, just because I am?" He said with a chuckle sitting next to me, grabbing my hand.

I smiled softly as he brought his lips to my hand.

Before I could say anything—Emma came into the room with Bambi.

"I'm borweddd." Emma whines causing Sam and me to chuckle.

"Okay honey, what do you want to do?" Sam asked as she sat on our bed and shrugged.

"I'm nwot sure?" She responded going in between Sam and me.

I smiled softly as she snuggled her head on my belly.

"Just cwuddles?" She said sweetly and my heart swelled.

"Of course," Sam said with a chuckle and turned on the TV.

Sam put on a random kid show to watch.

"When will baby browther cwome?" Emma asked looking at me with her blue eyes.

"Soon, he will be here soon," I said smiling softly feeling my heart feel happier.

"Lwike soon?" she asked tilting her head and Sam chuckled.

"Yes Princess, soon." He said grabbing her so she could cuddle with him, she smiled and snuggled into him.

We stayed in silence for a while, while watching some TV. Sam decided to put Emma in bed since she was already sleeping.

"You want to do something right?" Sam asked as he came back into the room, and I looked at him.

"Yeah...but I can't?" I said gesturing to my legs, and he chuckled.

"Yeah, I know but this doesn't involve walking." He said simply.

"I'm going to film a video, want to be in it with me?" Sam asked as I smiled looking at him.

"Yes! What are we filming?" I asked as he helped me sit on the edge of the bed.

"Eating your pregnancy cravings!" He said as I chuckled while looking at him confusingly.

"Why?" I asked as he laughed kissing my forehead.

"The fans what's to know your cravings." He said simply and somehow to manage to carry me downstairs.

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