Chapter 27

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"Mom! Dad!" I gasp as they both came over to me and my dad hugged me first.

"Hey, son." My dad whispered and hugged me tightly patting me on the back.

We pulled away and my mom hugged me.

"Hi, mommy," I whispered as swayed us.

"I hope you like the surprise, Sam planned it." My mom says after we pulled away and I looked at Sam and pouted my lip.

"Why so many surprises?" I asked with a laugh as Bambi sat on my lap as he shrugged.

"You deserve it." He said as my parents and he sit on the couch.

I blushed and Sam wrapped his arms around me.

"So what's this cute little puppy name is?" My mom asked as Bambi jump on her.

"Bambi," I whispered with a smile as they both awed.

"Bambi I like it!" My dad said and started to pet the puppy.

Sam pulled me into him as my parents played with the puppy.

"So you two still hanging in there?" My dad asked as I bit my lip and Sam and I nodded.

"We will always be here for you guys." My mom says with a small smile.

I loved how supportive they were, that made them such great parents.

My heart hurt at the thought, knowing that I would've been still pregnant now. That Sam and I would've been parents. I bit my lip and shook that thought off.

We decided to watch a movie and eat popcorn. I smiled softly as my parents were on a couch holding hands.

Sam and I cuddled with each other and Bambi was playing with her toys on the ground.

When the movie ended our parents went to the guest bedroom as Sam and I still cuddled up on the couch.

"Sam," I whispered as he hummed and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you for everything," I whispered and he smiled.

"No need to thank me, I'm trying to be the best supportive boyfriend in the world." He said with a chuckle.

"The best boyfriend," I whispered as he kissed me on the lips and I smiled.

I would take a bullet for him, he would take a bullet for me also.

I can see a future with us together.

"C'mon let's go to bed." He whispered and I nodded as he picked me up, Bambi followed us.

He laid us down and I laid next to him snuggling into his side. Bambi laying in between us.

"Goodnight baby I love you," Sam whispered and kissed my forehead.

"Good night, love you too," I mumbled and let sleep overtake me.

I looked myself in the mirror as I was leaning against a cain and my other hand was touching my pregnant belly.

It looked like I was about 7 months pregnant?

I smiled and walked downstairs, I went into the kitchen looking around.

"Look who it is.." An unfamiliar voiced I never heard off said.

I turned around met with a blonde hair girl. She looked like she was 20.

"W-what do you want Daisy," I whispered shakily and protect my bump.

I didn't know what was going on but I felt was the need to protect my belly.

"Oh, you know what I want. I want Sam! He's mines, Colby." She hissed and I rolled my eyes.

"H-he doesn't love you he likes me!" I growled as she stepped a little forward to me.

"Yeah right but HE'S MINE!" She screamed and pushed me causing my stomach to hit the edge of the table causing a stabbing pain to run through my belly.

I yelped and looked around frantically as she was nowhere to be seen.

I felt something wet going down on my knees as I looked down seeing blood.

I jolted up gasping for air as Sam woke up.

"Shh...shhh... It was just a dream baby." He cooed as I started to cry softly into him as Bambi frantically lick me to see if I was alright.

The dream felt so real.

"I-I." I choked out as he just hushed me.

"Shh....shh...your alright baby.." he cooed as I closed my eyes focusing to calm down.

"You want to talk about it?" He asked as I fully calmed down.

I shook my head and sniffled.

"Okay, go back to sleep baby alright." He whispered and I nodded and closed my eyes.

I slowly started to drift back to sleep.

Who was that girl?

A/N: hehehe 🤭 love you guys hope you like this!❤️ You'll find more about daisy soon.....

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