Chapter 32

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She was from my dream a few years ago, it was just a dream though.

Dreams don't come true though.


"It's nice to meet you, Daisy, I'm Sam's husband!" I said and she frowned slightly but smiled again.

"O-oh I didn't know he was married, you're also pregnant I can see?" She said looking at my belly.

" want to come in?" I asked trying to be polite as she nodded.

I step beside her before she came in.

I closed the door, she was meant by Bambi. She was growling.

She has never growled at people.

"Bambi be nice," I said sternly as Bambi's attention went to mines and sat beside me.

"So you and Sam know each other?" I asked as she nodded.

"Yep, well we haven't talked in a long time, we used to be best friends!" She said as I nodded.

Sam has never mentioned her to me?

How did she find where we lived?

So many questions were swimming in my head.

"Who is at the-" Sam said as he walked in but was cut off by Daisy squealing, hugging him.

"Sammy!!!" She squealed as my heart hurt a little.

I only call him that.

That's the nickname that I gave him.

"Woah Daisy this you?!" He said as they pulled away, he had a huge smile on his face.

"It is!! It's been so long!!" She said as he nodded.

"Yes, it has, I guess you already meant my lovely husband." He said as I smiled softly and she nodded.

"Yep totally, how long have you guys been married?" She asked.

"Two years already!" He said proudly and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hm, Sam? Why come you never mention me him?" She asked as I bit my lip.

Why is she asking so many questions?

Before he could say anything his phone started ringing.

"Oh I have to take this, Colby, if you want to you, can show her around downstairs?" He asked and I nodded slowly. He smiled and kissed me on the lips before leaving to answer his phone.

I smiled at Daisy, trying to be polite since I'm getting bad vibes from her.

I was about to say something but she cut me off.

"Let me set this straight Colby, You better stay away from him." She growled as I looked at her with wide eyes.

Oh sh*t.

"W-what?" I said taken by the words.

"You heard me. You better stay away from him, he's mines!" She growled again as I step back from her.

"You can't d-do that?" I said as she laughed a little.

"Oh yes I can Colby, I get the things I want. You know what? I can even hurt the baby of yours." She whispered as I felt fear run through my body.

She's threatening me.

"You're going to let me hang out with him okay?!" She said as I gulp and nodded.

"Hey, I'm back!" Sam said when he came back into the room as I bit my lip.

"Oh hey, Sam! Colby was just telling me some good things that you both have done." She lied as he smiled.

Her mood changes quickly.

"That's good, Colby are you okay? you look frightened?" He asked with a frown as I put a small smile on my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, not trying to sound scared, but it came out that way.

He looked at me worried.

"You can go to bed if you want? I'll show Daisy around." He said as I bit my lip and swallowed thickly.

"Yeah Colby, you can go to bed! You don't need to worry!" She said as I nodded, but not liking leaving Sam alone with her.

I went upstairs and laid down on the bed, rubbing my belly anxiously.

I'm not letting her hurt the baby.

I'm not letting her break Sam and me up.

But I'm gonna tell Sam about this.

A/n: I think you guys ALREADY hate her! Btw no hate if your name is Daisy

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