Chapter 65

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Triggering chapter.

The pleads of my helps and cries rang through the video.

I thought I would never remember this moment—I knew that I would probably in the future but not this soon.

"F*ck!" Sam hissed as I choked on a sob and Sam snatched the phone out of my hand, probably trying to take the video down.

I started to feel Caleb touching me again.

I was about to say something but I covered my mouth as I felt the urge to throw up, I ran to the bathroom and kneeled on the ground.

I started to throw up as I felt my skin crawling on me, I hated that feeling,

"'s okay baby." Sam cooed as he knelt next to me, rubbing my back as I continue to throw up.

"W-who p-posted i-it!" I choked out as he pulled me into him as I started to shake.

"I don't know? It's anonymous...but I'm gonna call the police about this...this video should've been deleted already," he said as I nervously picked at my nails and nuzzled my head in his chest as I still cried.

Once I was calm enough, Sam sat me on the couch as he called the police.

I know I should have not grabbed my phone but something was telling me to look at the Comments.

Colby seemed like he liked it 🤷‍♀️

This video is fake they're doing it for attention.

Since when do boys get r*ped?

Oh my, I feel so bad for Colby

This shouldn't be up on Social media, whoever posted it better f*cking go to jail.

Why everyone is thinking he liked it!? I see Colby not liking it

Who the f*ck posted this, who I'm killing.

This is seriously disgusting, this shouldn't be on the internet nor girls and boys shouldn't go through this.

Some comments were people that believed it was real but some were hating on it for not knowing the truth.

My heart had some warmth as I saw #JusticeforColby is number 1 trending on the internet.

I loved the supportive people.

"#Justice for Colby I-is trending," I whispered as he sat next to me, grabbing my phone as he smiled softly at me.

"That's good...the police should be here any minute." He says and grabbed my hand, gently rubbing it. Giving me some comfort.

"I want to kill whoever posted that," Sam grumbled as I chewed my lip.

"I know you do," I whispered as there was knocking at the door.

Sam kisses me before going to the door, I sigh and pulled my knees to my chest.

It was like whenever I was happy—something is always ruining it.

Like if I wasn't supposed to be happy.

Like the universe doesn't want me to live.

"Babe," Sam called out breaking me out of my thoughts and I looked at him as he came back with some police officers.

"You must be Colby, I'm officer brown." The girl officer said as we shook hands and the other officer introduce himself also to me.

"So the person in the video is your r*pest?" The boy officer asked as I nodded and Sam rubbed my back.

"Do you guys know who posted it?" The girl asked as I shook my head and chewed my lip nervously.

"Alright...we'll have someone track who posted it." The girl said as she wrote it down on a clipboard.

"Let me say something...did any of you posted the video?" The boy officer asked as Sam looked at him with a clenched jaw.

"No...we thought the video was already deleted and I would never do that to Colby." Sam said as the boy officer raised his brows.

"So you're saying the video wasn't in all an act?" He said as Sam clenched his jaw hard and stood up with an angry expression.

"You think this is fake?! How the f*ck this is fake it ain't!! I can f*cking sue you guys." Sam growled with so much anger as the officer's eyes winded.

"O-oh um...I believe you okay don't worry." He said as Sam sat back down, grabbing my hand.

"You better," Sam growled as they wrote stuff down.

They asked us more questions before they got a call from their radio things.

"We found who posted the video." The girl officer says as relief wash over to me.

"It was one of our mates...I think he was friends with Caleb...his name is Justin." The guy said as Sam clenched his jaw slightly.

"So basically he thought Caleb did nothing and the video was all in an act but he was wrong." The girl said as shivers run down on my back.

Maybe this Justin dude was part of Caleb's r*pes? What if he knew about them and claimed the people that tried to say something are lying and doing it for attention?

"Don't worry he's going to jail also." The girl officer says as I nodded with a small smile.

The police officers then left, just leaving Sam and me alone.

"They f*cking deserved to go to jail," Sam mumbled as I nodded resting my head on his shoulder.

"Maybe rot in h*ll," Sam grumbled and I let out a small laugh.

"Totally," I whispered and covered my body with my arms, still feeling disgusted with myself.

"I'm gonna take a shower, want to join baby?" He asked breaking the silence and I shook my head while fiddling with my fingers.

"Okay...I'll be upstairs, don't be shy to ask me if you want anything Alright." He said and kissed my forehead before going up the stairs.

I sigh and laid my head down on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

I wonder if this dirty feeling that I've been feeling will ever go away?

Probably not but—will it go away if I have sex with Sam.

I don't think I'm ready yet—but all I want to do is forget that I got r*ped—I wanted Sam to show me, love.

To show me that he's the only person to touch my body with consent.

I sigh before sitting up—deciding to get in the shower with Sam.

I got into the bathroom before stripping off my clothes and going into the shower.

"Oh-you changed your mind?" He asked with a chuckle and looked at me as I hummed and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close and I nuzzled my head in his chest.

He gently rubbed my back and I looked at him as the water was pouring down at us.

I kissed him as my arms wrapped around his neck as he reacted quickly and kissed back.

Our lips moved in sync as his hand roamed on my back—to my butt, squeezing it gently making me gasp softly and he pulls away.

"I don't think-." I cut him off by kissing him again, he gave in and kissed me back.

When he pulled away, he moved the hair that was in my face.

"I-I want to forget...I want you to make me feel love." I whispered as he smirked and picked me up.

Wrapping my knees to his waist, his lips went to my neck. Sucking on it, making me moan softly.

"Are you sure?" He asked lowly and I smiled with a small nod.

"I'm sure I'm ready."

A/n: next chapter smut!! 😎  be ready🙈

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Words: 1260 😁

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