Chapter 63

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"I guess it's time for this little one to go to bed," I whispered as Emma was slightly closing her eyes in my arms.

We got done playing in the pool a while ago, I just got done washing Emma so the pool water won't bother her skin.

"I guess so," Sam said with a smile before grabbing her.

"You go to bed, I'll meet you there," Sam whispered and I nodded before gently kissing Emma's head.

I went into our room before getting dress, just in my boxers and Sam's hoodie that I may have stolen.

I sigh as I laid on the bed, closing my eyes with a smile.

I had never felt this happy in a long time.

Sam then came back into our room, taking his pants and shirt off just leaving him in his boxers. He laid next to me, pulling me close to him.

"You okay?" He whispered and pulled the covers over us as I nuzzled my head in his chest, feeling safe.

"I feel happy," I whispered as he kissed my forehead with a smile.

"Good...I love seeing you happy." He whispered as I started to doze off letting sleep overcome me.

"Next Day"

"Baby wakes up," Sam said shaking me awake as I leg a groan and pulled my face deeper in the pillow.

"C'mon, I have some things plan." He said as I open my eyes, looking at him as I scrunched my brows.

"What are we doing?" I asked with a groggy voice, taking the covers off of me.

"I decided to take you, Emma to the Zoo today." He said as my face lit up, I smiled and kissed him.

"That would be lovely," I whispered and stepped out of the covers, and grabbed my cane.

"Plus I want to see what animal that Emma likes." He said with a shrug as I changed into new clothes.

"When are we going?" I asked once I got done changing and went to go to Emma's room.

" 30 minutes." He said once we got into Emma's room.

I hummed and smiled as Emma started to cooeing at us.

"Hey, beautiful," I whispered and grabbed her as she giggled waving her hands in the air.

I then fed her milk, when I got done I burped her and changed her into a cute little outfit for today since it's going to be hot today.

I tickled her tummy causing her to giggle loudly and I smiled.

"You ready to go to the zoo?" I cooed as she giggled and Sam came into the room.

"We can go now, while we on our way we can stop at McDonald's for breakfast," Sam says as I smiled grabbing Emma.

We got stuff ready for the zoo, when we got done we got into the car and started to head off.

"What do you want to eat babe?" Sam asked as we just got through the drive-thru.

"Egg cheese muffin sandwich," I said quietly as he hummed and order our food.

When we got our food, Sam parked us in a parking lot and we started to eat our food.

"What animal do you think Emma will like?" Sam asked as I shrugged.

"Koalas or giraffes?" I responded and looked behind me to see Emma.

"Why koalas? Because they're your favorite?" He said with a laugh and I glared at him and gently slapped him on the arm.

"Ow!" He said with a laugh and I giggle rolling my eyes.

"I can tell she'll like them," I said simply and took a bite from my food.

"I bet she will." He says and took a bite from his food and I scrunch my nose at him.

"At The Zoo"

"We're at the Zoo Emma." Sam cooed gesturing to the place as we just entered and Emma's eyes went wide.

There were a lot of people but there were lots of exhibits here and paths to see the other animals that were further down.

Sam and I headed to a shaded area, to put sunscreen on each other—so we won't get sunburn.

When I got done putting sunscreen on Emma, we started walking to the first exhibits.

"What do you want to see first?" Sam asked as he grabbed the map to see what's a type of exhibits are there.

"We could see the Lions?" I asked since they weren't that far from us, he nodded and put the map in his pocket.

We went to some small exhibits before heading to see the koalas.

"You excited?" He asked with a laugh as I waited not so patient in line.

"What!? I love koalas." I said quietly and grabbed Emma out of her stroller.

He rolled his eyes before it was our turn next, Emma squealed quietly as we went closer to the koala as it was on a branch.

"This is bubbles, he's about 3 years old and he's very nice!" The girl that was taking care of the koala said.

"You guys want a family picture?" She asked setting up the camera as Sam and I agreed.

We took the picture with a koala—the sad thing was we didn't get a long time to take a look at the koala but that didn't matter.

It was worth it seeing Emma happy about seeing the koala.

"You like the koala, Emma?" I asked as she rested her head on my chest with a smile and she pointed to the koala exhibit we were just in.

"Sorry sweetheart, we can't go back in there," Sam whispered as she pouted her and looked down.

"Your hungry!?" Sam asked changing the subject as she looked at him with a wide smile and smack my chest causing me to laugh.

"Alright, we'll feed you," I said as we started walking to find somewhere to eat.

We found a place to eat, that was like a hamburger shack and we ordered our food and I started to bottle feed, Emma.

I couldn't help but notice that some people were staring at us--some were giving us 'aws' some were looking at us with a smile.

But some were looking at us with discuss looks and I even heard some words that I won't say.

F*ck those homophobic.

I decided to ignore them and continue to feed Emma, when I got done feeding her I burped her.

"What?" I asked Sam as he just stared at me and he smiled.

"Nothing." He says before taking a sip of his water.

I rolled my eyes and put Emma back in her stroller, strapping her in.

She giggled and grabbed the stuffed koala that we got her close to her chest.

Like if she's hugging it.

That made my heart melt.

She's is the cutest baby in the world.

"What's next?" I asked as he looked at the map and we sat up once we were done eating our food.

"Giraffes?" He said as I smiled with a nod.

"Let's go see the giraffes," I said as we headed to the giraffes were.

A/n: Merry late Christmas ❤️ meant to post this yesterday but writer block 😂 any who finally a longer chapter—hope you guys like this.

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Words: 1215 🙈

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