Chapter 39

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"There! Perfect!" Sam chirped as he got done putting the star on the Christmas tree.

It's finally December, meaning it's almost Christmas. Not that Christmas is almost here, I'm about 9 months pregnant.

The baby can come any day or anytime honestly.

"You like it?" He asked as I looked at the tree with a smile.

"Oh, I like," I whispered as he wrapped his arms around my huge belly and swayed us gently as Christmas music played in the background.

I nuzzled my head in his chest, feeling our love for each other grew stronger.

We stayed like that until we decided to sit down on the couch, watching Christmas movies.

Bambi laying between us, as her head laid on my leg.

"Do you think the baby will be here before Christmas?" I asked after a moment of silence and he looked at me with a smile.

"Hopefully, but it would be cool if the baby is born on Christmas?!" He said and rubbed my belly.

"Yeah, that would be a special gift," I whispered as the baby started kicking again.

The baby kept kicking a lot recently, but so much it makes me uncomfortable Sometimes.

Honestly on how much the baby kept kicking it seems like theirs another baby in there.

I groan as the baby kicked my bladder, causing Sam to look at me frantically.

"Bathroom," I grumbled and he laughed as he grabbed my cane and helped me up to go to the bathroom for the 50th time today.

I went to the bathroom and did my business. When I got done, I let out a tired sigh as I sat on the couch.

This baby can take the energy out of me fast.

Sam came back with blankets and sat next to me, putting a blanket on me. Making me smile softly at him.

I laid down on the couch as Sam's hand touched my belly, rubbing it gently.

"Jake told me a name suggestion for the baby," Sam said with a chuckle breaking the silence and I giggled.

"What is it?" I asked and thought what jake suggested.

"Bob if it's a boy or booby if it's a girl." He laughs and I rolled my eyes.

"What's his deal with booby?" I asked as he shrugged.

"I don't even know?" He said with a laugh and kissed my belly.

We talked for a while until I fall asleep on the couch.

"Dwaddy!" A little girl squealed walking to me.

It was our daughter.

She looked like she was two?

Sam came into the room, running over to her with a laugh.

He handed her to me as I rested her on my hip looking at the mirror, showing that I was pregnant again.

"Emma are you excited for your little brother to come soon?" I asked as she squealed with a smile.

"Ywes! I-I'm gwonna lwove baby bwother!" She said as I smiled as Sam wrapped his arm around me.

It looked like I was about 8 months pregnant.

At this moment I was really happy.

A/n: this could be the future-🤷 or just a dream hehehehee. Hope you guys like this so far. I know this is short I just couldn't think what else to put❤️

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