Chapter 111

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"What?!" I asked getting off of Sam.

"Yep, you heard me. We're... Well one of us is playing the elevator game." Jake smirked and I groaned.

"Why would we play the elevator game?! Isn't this game kind of...dangerous?" I asked and folded my arms.

"Well yeah but come on. What is so dangerous about this game??" Jake said as Sam and I put on our shoes.

"It is dangerous," I said as Jake left the room, and I rolled my eyes.

I sigh as Sam wrapped his arms around me.

"I have a bad feeling about this," I mumbled as Sam kissed my forehead with a frown.

"Well, we could stay here. Or just go home." He said as I chuckled before shaking my head.

"Jake wouldn't be so happy if we'd leave," I said, and he groans.

"True, if anything happens, we're going straight back here alright?" He said and I nodded as we walked out of the room.

We're already at the hotel, in front of the elevator. Alex was supposed to meet us here, but he couldn't make it sense something getting in the way.

I was glad, I didn't want to see him again ever since he kissed me.

"So, one of us is going to do the elevator who is it?!" Jake smirked as Corey's eyes winded.

"Oh h*ll Nah! I am not doing this sh*t!!" He yelled and went to turn to get out, but Jake stopped him.

"Woah man, I said one of us. I didn't mean you." Jake laughed and Corey rolled his eyes.

"That one person could be ME!" Corey whined causing all of us to laugh.

"Well then Corey, if you keep on being p*ssy then you'll be doing the elevator game," I said as his eyes winded.

"Fineee." He groans as I giggled before resting my hands on my hip.

Jake told us the rules on what to do and what not to do about this game.

This hotel was also known for this girl that was here back in 2013, they think of her doing this game could've caused her death since she was last seen doing this game on camera.

When he got done telling us the rules, he told us that he's going to pick a name out of a hat, and whatever name he picks has to do the game.

I felt my heart beating out of my chest as he pulled out a piece of paper.

"Hm... it's going to be...Colby!" He said chirped as I felt my heart drop.

"Oh h*ll Nah!! He isn't doing this alone or not doing this!" Sam spat as Jake sighed.

"Come on Sam! He's gotten picked, we can't change that." Jake said in clearly annoyed, and Sam rolled his eyes.

"I know! But he isn't doing this! It's too dangerous!" He spat back and I was about to say something, but Jake cut me off without knowing that I was about to speak.

"So?! Are we even sure this game is dangerous!?? You can't always control Colby and you can't always protect Colby!!" Jake growled as Sam clenched his jaw and was about to say something, but I cut him off.

"Hey!! You both knock the h*ll out!!" I yelled causing their attention to me.

"Jake you're right and Sam... you can't always control what I should do," I said.

"Yes, this could be dangerous. But still Sam. I'm in my 20s now, I'm not a baby." I said and he sighed as the others nodded.

"He's right Sam," Chase said and I looked At Sam.

"How about this...can Sam come with me in the elevator?" I said as Jake nodded.

"Yes...the game might not work but if it will make Sam better." He said as he looked at Sam.

"Fine, he's only doing it with me." He said as I smiled softly at him, and I walked over to him.

"Yay!!" All of them cheered as I giggle.

Sam and I then went into the elevator together.

"You seem happy now," I said once the elevator door closed.

"Yeah...I couldn't be bare see you doing this alone." He mumbled and I signed before pecking him on the lips.

"I know, I understand," I said before looking at the elevator buttons.

The first room that we had to go first was the fourth floor.

Second floor...

Sixth floor...

We've done most of the steps before we went on the second floor for the second time.

Nothing seems off so far which was good, but I was getting bad vibes already.

"2 more floors." I breathed out before pressing the tenth floor.

When the elevator stopped on the tenth floor, Sam and I peeked our heads through to see if there's any suspension.

When the close was clear, the elevator closed.

I gulped slightly as I shakily pressed the fifth floor making it move to that floor.

On the fifth floor, theirs supposed to be a young lady wearing all black that comes in with you.

Even though she seems nice.

You can't speak to her or make eye contact with her.

When you try to go to the first floor, but it takes you to the tenth floor, meaning you're in a different world.

When the elevator was close to the fifth floor, Sam pulled me to the end of the wall and hold me tight in case if anything happened.

I felt my breathing hitched as the door open, revealing a young girl with all black walking in.

I didn't think this game would actually work.

She looked like she was in her 20s..and also it looks like she was wearing old fashion clothes.

Don't look at her.

Don't speak to her.

If she speaks, don't answer back.

I quickly hit the first-floor button, hoping it would take Sam and me to the floor.

I felt my heart dropping as the elevator went up to the tenth floor.

"No-no." I whimpered as I went to press the first-floor button frantically.

"S-Sam," I said and realized that he didn't respond, or I didn't feel him holding me.

I looked behind me seeing that Sam wasn't behind me, and I looked where the lady should be. But she wasn't there.

I felt my heart dropping as the elevator open again, but the room wasn't like it was before.

I was in the other world.

A/N: Tehe, An Cliffhanger, what's gonna happen 😏 i have mix emotions with this chapter :)


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