Chapter 98

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Sam's POV

"Ooh, your castle looks amazing honey." I cooed as I crouch down to meet Emma's level.

"Tank you dada." She giggled as I ruffled her hair.

"You're welcome, sweetie," I said as Victor started to cry in Corey's arms.

"I can take care of him," I said as he nodded and handed me, Victor.

"Hey bubba, you hungry?" I cooed as he looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes," I said and went to make him a bottle.

I made him a bottle and when I got Done making it I fed the bottle to him.

I smiled looking into his eyes, he looked like Colby but mostly like me.

But Victor had Colby's eyes.

Speaking of Colby...what time is it?

I looked at the time seeing it was almost 9:00 making my heart twist in my chest.

I shook my head, knowing that he's probably coming back now, or he gets carried away and forgot the time.

Yeah...that could be it.

When I got done feeding Victor, I burped him and changed him.

"You know that you and Colby are great parents." Corey pointed out as I laid Victor in his crib and I smiled at Corey.

"Thanks, we try to be," I said with a sigh, and he looked at me with confusion.

"What do you mean by that, Yall are pros at this?" He asked and crossed his shoulders together.

"Being parents at this age is stressful, even when he was pregnant with Emma, we both were a nervous wreck," I said with a slight chuckle and looked at Victor.

"Being a parent is scary, Corey." I pointed out with a sigh, and he nodded.

"I understand, but aye. you have the whole gang to help you." He said with a smile and smiled back as we left the room.

I chuckled as I saw Emma all passed out on the ground.

"I better put her to bed," I said quietly before picking her up.

I took Emma to her bedroom and laid down on her bed.

"Is Dwaddy home?" She mumbled tiredly as I pulled away from the hair that was on her face.

"Not yet, honey, he should be here.... soon," I said as I looked at the time.

He should be here already; it's been a while since he left.

She hummed and went to sleep as I kissed her forehead before leaving her room.

"Has Colby called either of you guys?" I asked looking at them and they shook their heads.

"No, he hasn't. Why?" Corey responded feeling concerned and I felt my anxiety going up.

"He should be here right now," I mumbled before grabbing my phone and went to Colby's contacts.

I bounced my leg up and down as the phone kept ringing.

"Come on, please answer," I begged as it kept ringing.

"F*ck!" I hissed once he didn't answer.

"He didn't answer, f*ck!" I said as Corey pulled out his phone.

"I'm going to call him; he's probably messing around with us." He said and dialed his number and I sigh shakily.

"He won't do that...that doesn't sound like him," I mumbled and looked at Corey.

He called Colby but it was sent to voicemail.

"He's probably...pranking us? Yeah?" Jake said trying to convince himself and I shook my head and went to grab my jacket.

"Aye Sam, where are you going?!" Corey asked grabbing me by my shoulder.

"I'm looking for Colby." I snapped and he shook his head.

"We're not sure if something's wrong Sam. Jake is right, he could be pranking us." He pointed out and I shook my head with a clenched jaw.

"No, he isn't. He knows better than that to freak us out." I said and pulled away Corey's hand that was on my shoulder.

Colby does sound like a prankster, but he stopped pranking us for a long time.

He knows not to do a kidnapped prank on us.

"Okay...Jake is going to go with you, I'm going to watch the kids." Corey said and I nodded and open the front door.

Jake and I then went outside, my heart was beating rapidly from how scared I was for Colby.

He had to be safe.

"Colby?!?" I called out as I looked around seeing that he wasn't anywhere to be seen here.

"Colby!!!" Jake yelled once we got to the park and still. He wasn't anywhere to be seen.

We've been looking for him for a while.

"He has to be.... he has to be okay," I said as my voice crack and tears threaten to spill.

"Yeah...we can't give up Sam... COLBY!!!" Jake yelled.

"Sam, did he ever tell you where his location?" He asked as I shrugged with a sigh.



"Wait! I have his location on. I can see where he is!!" I said and grabbed my phone out of my pocket.

I went to his contact and clicked his location.

"He is...close by," I said as I saw he was closer.

"Cmon," I said and started walking towards Colby's location.

When we got their-my heart stopped seeing he wasn't here. Only his phone.

"F*ck! COLBY!!!" I screamed while pacing around.

"Jake, we need to call the police!" I said looking at him and he shook his head.

"We c-can't Sam, we had to report him missing if it's only been 24 hours." He said as my heart broke in my chest.

"That's bull sh*t!!" I hissed with so much venom in my voice that I didn't recognize it was me talking.

"Sorry Sam, those are the rules. We have to wait 24 hours till we report him missing." He said as I rubbed my face with my shaky hands.

"We can still look for Colby if you like." He said giving me a sympathetic look and I nodded.

I was going to look for Colby and nobody is not going to stop me.

A/N: are they gonna find Colby? Or Nah?


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