Chapter 118

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The dream-future?  Didn't last long, but now I was in complete darkness.

I didn't feel anything, the pain that I always felt was gone.

The worries that I always thought were gone in this moment.

I felt

"Is he alright?"

"Yes...he's fine, he probably won't wake up for a while."

What was happening?

I don't remember much.

I didn't hear anything else for a little bit until I felt a familiar hand grabbing mines.

"Hey, baby." Sam sniffled as I felt him stroking my hand.

"Please wake up baby, I know it may be hard but...please. I miss you." He sniffled again; I could tell that he was crying.

Even though I can't see him crying, I was shocked. I never see him cry, even on how many times I tell him to not hide his emotions.

"I..,.we...Victor, Emma, Bambi, and I need you..." He said as his voice cracked.

"The doctor said...said that you almost died...God! I can't f*cking lose you." He choked out as I felt him resting his head on my hand.

I wanted to open my eyes, or just give a sign that I'm alive. least that I hoped that I was alive.

I didn't know how long I was in this darkness, but I was finally opening them-well weakly.

My eyes meant a bright light coming from this room making me groan as my head slightly throbbed.

I heard a slight gasp making my head slightly turn that way.

"Wh-what? S-Sam." I mumbled groggily as he sat up and hit the call button.

"Shh..shh, everything's alright. You just got out of surgery." He cooed as my heart dropped.

"S-surgery?" I asked quietly as I tried to sit up but I couldn't, I felt so weak and tired.

He was about to answer my question but was cut off by the doctor coming in.

"Hey! You're finally awake Colby." She smiled as she checked my vitals.

"How are you?" She asked as she pulled up the gown that I am wearing and checked my side.

"Mh, c-confused," I mumbled as she nodded and pulled my gown back down.

"W-what...happen." My voice slurred from how weak I was.

"Your appendix burst honey; you have gotten out of surgery not too long ago." She said as my heart dropped.

"You're pretty weak now but that's all," she smiled as Sam rubbed my hand comfortably.

"Is he aloud to eat?" Sam asked as she shook her head and write something down on her clipboard.

"Not for a few hours, I'll tell you guys when he can though." She said and looked at me as I closed my eyes.

"You have to be on bed rest for an awhile...maybe like 3 or more weeks depends on how the process is..also no physical activity for 6 or more weeks." She said as we both nodded.

"That also includes having sex." She said as Sam huffed a breath before nodding.

She laughed before explaining few more things to us before leaving.

I closed my eyes.

I was wishing that I could take a break from the hospital.

I wish that I could take a break from the pain.

I wish that I could be genuinely happy. Again.

Maybe I wasn't meant to be happy, it's like the world is against me or something.

"I want to die," I grumbled as I looked at Sam and he frowns as pain plastered on his face.

"No-No, baby don't say that." He said as he cupped my cheeks and I sniffled.

"B-But...I want to." I sniffled as I looked at him.

"But I don't want you to...I know you have been through a lot. especially these past few days but baby...I can't f*cking lose you." He said as his voice cracked, and he stroked my hair.

"I-I'm sorry," I mumbled, and he shook his head before leaning down as he placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"What are you sorry for? There is nothing you need to apologize for." He said as I shakily wiped the tears that were on my face.

"I'm...I'm sorry for bringing you deserve so much better." I sniffled and he shook his head before grabbed both of my hands.

"Colby...remember our wedding day?" He said as I nodded and looked at him.

"I made a promise in our speech...I said, 'I'll always be here for you to the pain and the dark, my love for you will never change because of those." He said as more tears fall down my cheeks and by each word, I could hear the truth.

"You're insane for saying that I deserve so much better which I don't, I already got what I deserve which is Victor...Emma, and you. Which I couldn't be even happier." He said as warmth filled in my heart.

His saying this made me a little better about staying.

He knew what the right things to say.

"Where's t-the kids?" I mumbled and he smiled.

"In the waiting room with the others, I could text them." He said as I slowly shrugged, and he grabbed his phone.

"I...I don't want to be a bother." I whispered as he shook his head and texted on his phone.

"You're never a bother babe." He said with a sigh before putting his phone down.

"See, he's already done with your bull sh*t."

I slightly shook my head at the thought before weakly squeezing his hand.

He was about to say something, but someone interrupted us by walking in.

"Dwaddy!! Ywou awake!" Emma squealed as a smile bloomed on my face and Sam picked her up.

"Yes...I am." I whispered as Sam carefully put her on the bed.

"Be careful alright honey, he's fragile." He said as she nodded before she carefully laid on me.

"I mwiss you Dwaddy." She whispered and I frown before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I miss you too sweetie," I said as I looked at Sam seeing that he was holder Victor.

I was so glad that I ended up surviving on what happen since I know appendix bursts could be very deadly.

We talked with the kids and our friends for a while until the other half of our friends had to come to visit.

I knew it was paranoia kicking in, but I didn't want this moment to be the last time I saw them.

But I knew that I'll be fine someday.

A/N: Sadly this book will be ending soon...


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