Chapter 22

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Tw: Self harm, please skip this chapter if it will trigger you!

Sam carried me to our bedroom, our bed was already clean, So he laid me down. I pulled the covers over my head.

I don't remember if I fall asleep until I woke with the blanket away from my face and the bright sunshine through my face. Sam was not laying with me so he was probably up.

I sniffled and pulled the blanket back over my head and started to cry again.

I still couldn't believe I had tears left.

I heard someone walking in, but I didn't bother to see who it was.

"Hey baby.." Sam whispered and pulled the covers away from my face as I sniffled.

"Want something to eat?" He whispered and moved the pieces of hair that were in my face and I shook my head.

"You need to eat something." He said and I shook my head again, not feeling hungry.

"N-not h-hungry," I whispered with a shaky breath.

He scanned through my future and sigh.

"Alright, but I'm staying with you." He said and hops in bed with me pulling me into him as I sniffled, he then turns on the TV.

He put on some random movie, I didn't know what movie though.

I couldn't even pay attention to the movie we were watching, I started to softly cry and nuzzled my head into Sam's chest.

I looked at Sam, my heart shattered more as his face had tears stains on his cheeks, my lip quivered, and pulled the covers over my face.

"No baby, you're not doing this." He said and takes the covers away from my face.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I said as I started to sob as he started to rub my back.

"Shh...don't apologize." He whispered as my body shook in his.

"A-are y-you okay." I asked quietly.

"I'm doing okay, I'm hurting also but I'm not gonna tell you my feelings yet." He said as I sniffled and looked at him.

"D-do our f-friends k-know?" I asked as he nodded sadly.

"I told them when we got home, they're here now. You want to see them?" He asked and I shook my head.

I still couldn't wrap the fact that the baby is gone because it's was all my fault. Everything was always my fault.

"When do you want to tell our parents?" He asked as my heart broke in my chest.

I remember when we told my parents, they were so excited to be grandparents for the first time.

But now that I lost the baby, they might hate me.

"M-maybe i-in few days," I whispered and bit my lip.

We cuddled and watched TV before We had to have dinner. Sam left to get us some slices of pizza. I stared at the wall blankly as Kat came into the room with a small smile and I looked away ashamed.

"Hey Colby, your okay?" Kat whispered as I bit my lip as I fought the tears that were threatening to spill.

I didn't say anything. I couldn't form words.

"Colby I'm sorry that this happened." She said breaking the silence that we were just in.

"I-Its okay," I said and swallowed thickly.

"I'm here for you, everyone is here for you if you need anything come to us alright." She said with a small smile and I nodded slowly.

"T-thanks Kat," I whispered as she hugged me.

When we pulled away Sam came into the room with pizza, he smiled softly at me.

"I'll leave you guys alone," Kat whispered and left us alone and Sam sat next to me.

"You need to eat alright." He said as I nodded slowly.

He fed me small bites of the pizza, I felt sick with every bite.

"You done?" He said as I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Alright." He whispers and sets the pizza down.

After a while of us cuddling, I wanted to take a bath.

TW: starts here

I was sitting in my wheelchair waiting for the tub to be filled, Sam got a call so he went to answer it. I looked at myself in the mirror. As I expected.

I looked empty.

My hair was a mess, my cheeks as stair stains on them. My eyes were swollen. I sigh shakily and looked at the sink. A razor.

I just wanted the pain to go away.

I grabbed the razor and looked at it.

I went to cut my skin but before I could do so, Sam came into the room.

"Colby!! What are you doing??!" Sam yelled as he came over to me, grabbing the razor and throwing it away.

"I-I just wanted the pain to go away" I whispered as he pulled me into him.

"I-I'm sorry," I whisper as he shook his head.

"Don't apologize." He whispered as he turns off the water.

He took off my clothes and grabbed me so he could help me in the tub. I was already in the tub.

I closed my eyes as he poured the warm water on my head. I looked at Sam as he rubbed my back.

"I-I love you," I whispered as he smiled softly at me.

"I love you too." He whispered and kissed my forehead.

I know that I'm going to be alright.

Just now I'm recovering and it might take some time.

A/N: don't worry guys, Colby will get better soon!❤️

(Edited: I got a little bit ib from heartlessbrock, I had this idea before I knew her books, but I never thought about crediting her, so credits to her! I also changed this chapter since It felt like the right thing to do.)

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