Chapter 86

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"You and the baby seemed to be doing good so far." The nurse said as she checked my vitals.

"You are feeling okay Colby?" She asked noticing that I said nothing back.

"Y-yeah...I'm fine." I mumbled as I tried to move my fingers, but I barely could move them.

It felt like I was parlayed all over again.

"Am I p-paralyzed?" I mumbled as she looked at me sadly.

"I didn't want to say anything about that but there could be a chance." She said as
my heart twisted in my chest slightly.

"We're not sure yet but we have to look more into that." She said giving me a small smile and grabbed my hand.

"Squeeze my hand." She said softly and I tried to squeeze her hand.

She smiled as I slightly gripped her hand.

"That's a good you feel this?" She asked as she tapped my leg, and I chewed my lip.

"No.." I mumbled as she frowns and wrote stuff down on her clipboard.

"Do you feel this?" She asked as she tapped my other leg.

"N-no," I mumbled, and she sighs with a frown.

"Don't freak out Colby, you could be paralyzed but only in your legs." She said as my heart race slightly.

"Will t-that affect the baby?" I asked quietly as my voice shook and looked at my belly.

"No, you're probably not paralyzed. If you're then it won't affect the baby. I promise you, Colby." She said as I slowly nodded.

She talked to me for a little bit until she had to run more tests to if I was paralyzed.

I knew I would have so much support around me if I was paralyzed.

But I thought I was done getting reminded that I'll always be paralyzed.

I didn't want to go back to when I was 17 when I was first paralyzed.

But it's life.

Even though the nurse is running some tests of me being paralyzed.

I can already tell I was paralyzed.

I couldn't tell how much time passed till the nurse came back.

"Guess who I brought!" She chirped as Sam walked in as I gasp.

"Hey, baby." He said with a small smile and came over to me.

He wasn't that injured; he was wearing a cast and had some scars and bruises on him.

Tears brimmed my eyes as he hugged me gently.

I missed him so f*cking much.

"I-I miss you," I mumbled once he pulled away and moved the hair that was in my face and rested his free hand on my belly.

"I miss you too baby, you're so strong, baby." He mumbled before kissing me on the lips.

I smiled softly once he pulled away and sat on the chair that was next to me and grabbed my hand.  

"So, when is Colby is ready to come home?" He asked as she checks my vitals.

"Sometime today hopefully, you and the baby are pretty healthy now, I also got some news about the paralysis," she said as I chewed my lip.

"Am I?" I mumbled; I already knew I was probably paralyzed but I want to make sure.

"Yes, you're Colby." She confirmed as my heart dropped.

"But don't worry. This is temporary, by some physical therapy stuff you will be on your feet in no time." She said as Sam rubbed my hand comfortably.

She explained a few more things until she had to go.

I have to be in a wheelchair for a while but then I'll have to use a cane.

I knew this might be more of a struggle since I'm pregnant, but I knew I was going to get through this.

"You okay baby?" Sam asked breaking me out of my thoughts and I hummed.

"W-why me?" I mumbled as my voice cracked with so much pain and he frown looking at me with sad eyes.

"I'm not a sure baby, but things happen for a reason. I'm proud of you for being so strong baby." He said resting his hand on my belly and I smiled with a sniffle.

I looked into his eyes seeing that he had so much love in them I thought my heart could explode.

"I love you," I mumbled, and he chuckled and kissed me on my lips.

"I love you more baby." He said quietly and I scrunch my nose at him.

"You're such a dork." He said as I giggled with a smile.

"I'm your dork," I said, and he chuckled with a nod.

"True, true." He Said and I giggled.

"A few Hours Later"

"Ready to go, home baby," Sam asked as he sat me on the edge as he just got done changing me.

"Hmh." I hummed tiredly as he kissed my forehead, and the nurse came back into the room with a wheelchair.

He smiled before managing to pick me up and sat me in the wheelchair.

We had to do some more paperwork to get me out of the hospital, when we got done filling the papers out Sam and I got to the car.

"Ready baby?" Sam asked once we into the car.

Corey was helpful enough to let us use the car, for now, that was very sweet of him.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I mumbled as he pulled out the driveway.

When he got onto the road, I felt my nerves started to kick in.

I was still nervous about being in a car.

"You're okay baby, nothing is going to happen." He said as we stopped at a red light, and I sigh shakily.

"I-I know," I mumbled as I gently rubbed my belly where the baby was kicking.

"I'm fine though," I said quietly as he smiled as the light turn green and he started to drive.

I just couldn't wait to go home.

A/N: Idk how I feel about this chapter :\ I like it but at the same time, I don't-


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