Chapter 68

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Time skip (A couple of months later.)

"Babe! You got Emma's presents ready!" I yelled as I just got done changing Emma.

"Yep! Everyone is almost here! How is our birthday girl." Sam cooed as he came into the room and grabbed her causing her to coo.

Today is Emma's first birthday.

She's finally 1.

"Dada!" She squealed as he prepares her face with kisses as my heart warmth.

She started talking some small words a few months ago.

She only knows 'please, thank you, dog, and dada' and some other words.

I want her to say daddy but she hasn't said daddy yet.

She also is learning how to walk, but she is mostly is crawling.

Few things have changed these past months, I stopped using my cane.

I'm way better at walking without the cane but still need it sometimes Incase.

"Can't believe she's one," I said as he nodded while she giggles loudly.

"Can she stop growing?" He asked and moved her curls out of her face.

I was about to say something but, I was cut off by the doorbell ringing.

"That must be your uncle and unties?" Sam says with a laugh before leaving with her to get the door.

I sigh with a smile before looking at Bambi.

She's a lot bigger and furry, she's honestly like Emma's best friend.

"Here is the craziest begins Bambi," I said with a laugh as I heard a lot of talking downstairs.

"C'mon Bambi," I said and walked downstairs as she followed me.

"Colby!" My mom chirped and hugged me as I just got down the stairs.

"Hey, mommy," I mumbled as she swayed us.

I missed her so much.

"Son!" My father chirped as I stop hugging my mom and I hugged him.

"How you been?!" Dad asked me once we pulled away.

"I'm good," I responded with a smile as Sam handed Emma to my mom.

"Oh my! Look how big you have gotten!" My mom cooed as Emma giggled and stuffed her head in her chest.

"It was just like today you were born!" My dad cooed and Sam wrapped his arms around my waist as my heart crack slightly.

I didn't want Emma to keep growing.

I wanted her to stay young.

"You okay baby?" Sam whispered, noticing my mood changed.

"Yes I'm fine, don't worry about me," I whispered and he kissed my forehead.

He hummed as I looked around the room, seeing everybody's attention was on Emma.

She was always in the center of attention.

We decided to let her start opening presents-surprisingly there weren't so many presents because Christmas is right around the corner.

I can already tell that she's gonna get more presents on Christmas.

"What's this Emma?" Corey asked as Sam help her open a present.

Corey got her a stuffed horse since those are her favorite animal now besides koalas.

"H-horsey?!" She squealed and put it to her chest like she was hugging it.

"She likes it!" Sam says with a laugh and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Well now I know I'm the favorite Aunt!" Corey says as everybody laughs.

Corey then picked her up and started to play around with her as she giggles loudly.

She was always so happy.

I want nothing to ruin her happiness.

I smiled as Sam wrapped his around my waist, rubbing my hips gently.


Emma's birthday went so fast, all day we let her open presents and we all had a dessert that my mom made.

Right now, everyone left to go home and my parents were gonna stay at a hotel.

"I guess she's ready for bed," I whispered, looking down at Emma as she closed her eyes tiredly.

"Yep let's take her to bed," Sam whispered as we walked her to her bedroom.

I quickly changed her and when I got done, I gently laid her down.

"Dawddy I love ywo." She whispered as I just laid her down as I gasp slightly.

"Did she-." Sam smiled widely as I squealed and hugged him.

"She said, daddy! Oh my god!" I whispered with a smile as he swayed us and I nuzzled my head in his chest.

I felt so happy.

"See, she loves you," Sam whispered and kissed my forehead as I looked at him.

"I'm so happy," I whispered and kissed him as he smirked.

"I'm so glad...let's go to bed." He whispered and I nodded.

We then got into our room, I laid on the bed with a smile. Sam then laid next to me, pulling me close to him as I nuzzled my head in his chest and he put a blanket over us.

"She finally said daddy after a long time," Sam said with a chuckle and I giggled.

"Remember her first word was f*ck," I said as he laughs with a nod.

"I remember so many times you wanted to kill Jake for teaching her that word." He says as I nodded with a smile laugh.

"So true, thank god she stopped saying that word," I said with a laugh as he kissed my forehead.

It hurt my heart a little knowing that Emma is growing up so much

But I always wonder, what will the future hold?

A/N: I've got things planned for this book-some you guys maybe like and some you guys won't hehehe🙈

Also, today is Colby's birthday! Happy birthday, colbs ❤️

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