Chapter 38

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I was walking downstairs, minding my own business until Daisy popped in front of me with sadness on her face.

"I'm so sorry for your lost Colby." She says and hugged me.

What loss?

I hugged her back but I didn't want to? It felt like something was controlling me.

Who died though?

"You and Sam would've been great parents." That was all she said before disappearing.

My mind started to race, what did she mean by that? I'm am pregnant? Right?


I looked down to see no pregnant belly, making my whole body shattered.

Did we lose the baby?

I screamed in pain as the worst pain I've ever felt went through my abdomen.

The same pain when I had the miscarriage.

I woke up gasping for air, feeling fear wash through my body.

"Hey! Shh... Shh, it's okay." Sam cooed as I started to sob and he hopped on the hospital bed, pulling me into him.

"It was just a dream baby." He whispered and kissed my forehead.

"T-t-the b-baby!" I choked out as he shook his head.

"The baby is fine, theirs no blood right?" He asked as I nodded with a sniffle.

"Theirs no pain right?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Everything is alright shh..." He said and kissed me on my forehead as my breathing calmed down.

"What to tell me about it?" He whispered as I sniffled.

"T-the dream f-felt s-so real," I whispered and he put his hand on my belly comfortably.

"I-it just ended with a-a-sharp pain," I said and swallowed thickly as the baby kicked, giving me comfort.

"I'm so sorry that this is happening to you, I can't even imagine but the baby is alright." He said as the baby kept kicking.

I smiled softly and closed my eyes.

"Go to sleep." He whispered and I nodded falling asleep.


"You'll be going home today Colby but I have to tell you something." Dr. Hooves said as I frown and bit my lip.

"W-what is it?" I asked as Sam rubbed my hand comfortably.

"You'll be on bed rest for few weeks." She said as I sigh.

"Fine," I grumbled as Sam chuckled.

"We can't just have anything happen to the baby, also if you have any cramps that hurt come here alright AND meaning bed rest you can't do anything on your own." She said as I nodded slowly.

"I'll be helping him a lot. He's not moving a muscle." Sam said as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not doing anything I get it," I said with a laugh as they both chuckled.

"I know you, Colby, don't be calling me that your water broke because you tried walking on your own." She said as I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Well, that does sound like you, babe," Sam said as I glared at him and hit him on the shoulder playfully.

"Ow! Sorry." He laughed and I giggled.

"At home"

"Sam! I can walk!" I said with a whine as he just grabbed me bridal style and he shook his head.

"Doctors orders! Bed rest for a while." He said simply and I huffed a breath as he opens the door to our house.

Bambi came running over to us, ragging her tale like crazy, I smiled softly as Sam sat me on the couch.

"Want anything to eat?" He asked as I nodded.

"Pickles with Mac and cheese!" I squealed as he chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Food on the way." He said before going to went to cook it.

I sigh and rubbed my belly, smiling as I felt the baby kick.

I wondered what gender is this baby. I always wanted a boy but something is telling me it's a girl.

It would be an experience to have a girl.

Sam came back with my food and handed it to me and sat next to me so we could watch movies.

"Thanks," I whispered and kissed him before taking a bite from my food.

When I got done with my food Sam went to put it away, I couldn't help but think.

What a spoiled girl who tried to ruin Sam and I's relationship. But she should know Sam will never leave me and go to her crazy life.

I'm just hoping Daisy doesn't come back.

If she does, Sam will probably go crazy and beat her up. Sam will do anything to protect me and the baby.

Sam then came back, sitting next to me. Resting his hand on my belly, making me smile as the baby kept kicking.

"I think our baby is going to be a runner or something?" Sam says with a laugh as the baby still kept kicking and I giggled softly.

"Maybe? Or a swimmer?" I added and he hummed and kissed my belly.

I just couldn't wait to have this baby.

A/n: Sorry I haven't updated that much today, been a little busy doing stuff. Hope you guys like this!

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