Chapter 36

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"Sam, how are you going to tell Daisy that you don't want to be friends with her anymore?" I asked with a sigh as he shrugs.

It's the next day and Sam still hasn't ended their friendship.

"sometime today, now maybe? I'm gonna call her to come over," he said grabbing his phone.

I know this was hard for him, they've been friends for a long time but he knows this is for the best.

People might think this may be easy but it's hard at the same time.

I grabbed his free hand as he dialed her number and it rang for a few seconds before she picked it up.

"Oh hey Sammy what's up!!" She chirped annoyingly as I cringe at her for calling Sam 'Sammy'.

"Hey, Daisy er.....can you come over so we can talk?" He asked nervously as she squealed, making him suck in a breath.

"Sure!! Now?" She asked as he nodded.

"Yeah now is fine." He confirmed and I comfortably rubbed his hand.

"Alright, wait, is Colby gonna be there?" She asks as he scrunches his brows.

"Uh yes why?" He asked and I chewed my lip.

"Oh no reason, got to go bye!!" She said then hung up and he sighs and puts his hands on his face.

"This is going to be hard, she was so happy. I'm gonna crush her." He whispered as I frown.

"This is for the best baby, if she was happy for you. She wouldn't have threatened me." I whispered as he nodded.

"Yeah, I guess..." He said and trails off and puts his phone down.

"She's a toxic friend," I added causing him to chuckle.

"She is." He confirms, kissing me on the lips, making me smile.

Sam told me when I didn't meant him yet, he hang out with Daisy. She was obsessed with him but he didn't say anything about it.

When he started to hang out with me and the others, she got jealous and got mad at him for it. But she moved the next day because she planned on him moving in with her.

She even had a book of plans for both of them for the future.

I bit my lip as the doorbell rang, meaning she's here. I was honestly nervous about her reaction.

"Go upstairs or in the kitchen alright." He said as I nodded and stood up so I could go upstairs.

When I got upstairs I sat on my bed, as Bambi also hopped on the bed. Laying her head on my belly, making me smile softly and pet her.

I stood up and walked to a mirror that we had in our room. I couldn't help but smile at the huge belly I had. I remembered that when I was in my first trimester I was so nervous.

But now I ain't nervous. I'm ready to become a father.

I decided to go downstairs, to the kitchen to get myself something to drink. I couldn't help but cringe as I heard Daisy's furious voice coming from outside.

I can tell she's mad.

I got myself a drank and took a sip of it before putting it away. I bit my lip as I heard the front door opening with so much force making me jump slightly.

Someone came into the kitchen, but I know it wasn't Sam.

"Look who it is." I heard Daisy said making me suck in a breath and turned around to face her.

"W-what Daisy," I whispered and protected my belly.

"It's your fault that Sam is ending our friendship." She hissed as I rolled my eyes.

"N-no it ain't, it's for the best," I whispered as she scoffed.

"No! He's mines! He loves me not you!" She growled as I shook my head.

"I-if he loves you, then he'll be with you now, not ending your friendship." I snapped back causing her to gasp.

"Daisy leave." I heard Sam growled as he came in, causing her to look at him with anger.

"YOU ruin everything from me, he loves me not you!!" She hissed as she looked at me.

"N-no, he l-loves me not you," I whispered as she stepped closer to me.

"He's MINE!" She growled and pushed me causing my belly to hit on a table causing a sharp pain to run through my abdomen.

Bambi started to growl and bark at Daisy as I yelp in pain, Sam looked at Daisy with more anger than ever.

"GET OUT. BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE!" He yelled with so much anger at Daisy as she scoffed and ran out of the house.

I felt fear run through me as I felt wetness run down on my legs.

I looked down and saw so much blood.


"S-Sam!!" I sobbed out as he looked at me with a gasp.

"T-the b-baby!!" I sobbed out as he picked me up bridal style before hurrying me to the car.

"Shh... everything is alright." He cooed as I started to tremble with fear.

He called Dr. Hooves before hurrying out the driveway.

I started to sob more as I felt the universe caving in around me.

The baby had to be alright.

When we got to the hospital he rushes me out of the car as the nurses were waiting for us outside the building.

This felt like a dream.

The baby is going to be alright.

If not I don't think I'll want to be alive.

A/n: Is the baby going to survive? Hehehehe find out next chapter :')

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