Chapter 127

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1 year has finally past, Emma is 3 years old, and Victor is 1 years old.

Nothing has happened much these past years, I've had my up and downs, but I've come across them.

Remember when Sam and I decided that we wanted to try to have one more kid, yeah?

We were having trouble conceiving for a few months, those months were hard.

Whelp I did end up getting pregnant after trying one more time...sadly into few weeks of the pregnancy, we ended up losing the baby.

That took a huge tole over me, I had felt the same pain when I lost the first baby.

But this time the pain felt worse.

I felt worthless.

This time, when I lost the baby, I didn't even know that I had lost it. I found out when Sam and I went to our first appointment.

It was shocking and sad news to us.

That was a few months ago, I'm still struggling with that, but I knew that I'll be fine someday.

Also, we just moved back to Kansas a few months ago. For a better life and a change.

We thought that it wasn't a good idea to raise our children in LA, so we decided to move back to Kansas.

"Da!" Victor said as he made grabbed hands at me.

"Hm? What's up?" I asked and he pulled at my hair as I picked him up.

Victor has been talking now which was also exciting.

"Food!" He said as he hit my chest and I chuckled.

"Fine, Fine, want bananas?" I asked as I grabbed a banana and he nodded.

"Alright," I said before putting him in his highchair and began to mash up the bananas so it would be easier for him to eat.

"Food!!" He whined again and I chuckled.

"Hold up Victor, what did I tell you about being patient?" I asked as he stopped pouting.

"That's what I thought," I said with a small giggle as I handed him a plate of mashed bananas and fed them to him.

When I got done feeding him, I made sure to clean up the mess that he somehow made.

"Dada and sissy?" He asked as I picked him up and looked at the time.

"Dada and sissy are coming back soon, don't worry," I said before sitting down on the couch.

"Want to play with your toys before they get here?" I asked as I gestured to his toys, and he nodded.

I sat him down on the ground and he crawled over to his toys.

Sam took Emma to swim practice so they would be home soon.

I sighed before looking down on my wedding ring, feeling a smile tugging at my lips.

I still loved Sam very much.

He has been super patient with me these past months which I was glad.

When he is usually gone, I feel like a piece of me is missing.

"Hey snowflake," I said quietly as the cat climbed on my lap with a purring sound.

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