Chapter 37

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I laid on the hospital bed nervously, Sam was holding my hand.

I was so f*cking scared to know the results.

"Colby." Dr. Hooves breath out as she came into the room.

"T-the baby," I whispered shakily as she got the ultrasound stuff ready.

"I know, someone pushed you so that what caused the bleeding?" She asked as I nodded shakily.

She pulled up my shirt and put the gel on my abdomen, she then put the wand on the gel moving it to see the baby on the screen.

She looks at the screen for a little bit, but I didn't like the silence.

"I-is the b-baby a-alright?" I whispered shakily not wanting to know the answer, causing her to nod.

"Yeah, the baby is fine. But I'm gonna let you stay overnight just in case because you did lose a lot of blood." She said wiping the gel off of me causing Sam to sigh in relief and kissed my forehead.

"A-are you sure the b-baby is a-alright," I whispered as she nodded.

"Yes I'm sure, everything looks perfect and everything seems alright. It's kinda unbelievable but Don't stress." She said as I bit my lip.

The baby is alright.

That what all that matters.

She then hooked me up on some machines, for the baby's heart and such.

"Press the call button if you need anything." She said before leaving.

I sigh shakily and looked at Sam, he moved pieces of hair that were in my face.

"You alright?" He whispered and I shook my head slightly.

"S-scared," I admitted as I felt tears brimming my eyes.

"I know, but the baby is alright that what's all that matters." He whispered and kissed my forehead.

We stayed in silence for a while until he grabbed his phone.

"I'm gonna call the police on Daisy." He says as I looked at him.

"W-what?" I asked, knowing the police will probably do nothing.

"She almost killed our baby Colbs, that's like a crime. I'm gonna press charges on her also." He says and I bit my lip.

"It's for the best I guess," I whispered as he nodded and dialed the police number.

He was on the phone for a while until it ended, he looked at me and kissed me on the lips.

"What are T-they gonna do?" I asked as grabbed my hand.

"They're putting her in jail for good." He says as I smiled softly.

She's finally gone in our life.

We watched movies for a while until Sam rubbed my belly and we started to talk about baby names.

"Hmm...for girl Emma?" I asked as he rubbed my belly, he smiled at me.

"That's a beautiful name, for a boy... Ethan?" He said as I smiled softly.

I hummed as he kissed my belly.

I'm just so glad the baby is alright.

I'm also so glad that Daisy is gone.

"What are thinking about love?" He asked as I put my hand on my belly and rubbed it gently.

"I-I'm just so glad that the baby is alright," I whispered as the baby kicked causing him to smile.

"Me too." He whispered and kissed me on the lips.

Katrina then came to visit us, since Sam did tell most of our friends what happen.

"Where is that little brat?" Kat asked causing Sam and me to laugh.

"She's going to jail kat, don't worry." He said as she sighs in relief.

"Good, if she was here. She would probably be dead." She says with a chuckle and I shook my head with a giggle knowing she's saying the truth.

"Is the baby alright?" She asked and look at the monitor, looking at the baby's heart rate.

"Yeah, I'm glad," I whispered with a sigh of relief.

She smiled and sat on the couch and Sam rubbed my hand comfortably.

"You're staying here overnight?" She asked and rubbed my belly and I nodded.

"Yeah, it's for the best," I whispered and I felt warmth as I felt the baby kicking.

The baby is alright, that's all that matters now.

A/n: don't worry The baby is alright I know how much you guys want Sam and Colby to have a child.❤️ hope you guys like this!❤️

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