Chapter 73

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TW: SUICIDE (in the dream)

"HELP!!" I screamed as I fell to the ground, clutching my stomach.

"Nobody is going to help you."

"You're so useless."


"NO! GO AWAY!" I screamed with a sob and put my hands against my ears and shook my head.

"You're not meant to be here."


"S-STOP!" I yelled but only to scream as the pain in my abdomen came back more intense.

This dream felt so real.

Everything faded again, now I was looking at myself. I was at a mountain, standing on the edge crying.

What was I doing?

I saw that I took something off of my finger.

My wedding ring.

I threw it away and started to cry more.

"I-I trusted you," I said, making me more confused.

Before I could even say anything or even move, I jumped.

I saw myself going limp and jumping, taking my own life.

I stood their shock.

What happened to Sam and me?

"Colby!!" Someone called my name and I looked around, seeing nobody.

"Colby wake up!!" Sam's voice called.

"C'mon baby!! Please wake up!!" Sam begged and everything went dark.

"NO!!" I yelled as I bolted up, screaming in fright. Sweat was all over me.

"Hey! Hey, it's alright." Sam cooed and pulled me into him as I started to sob.

"'s okay was just a dream." He whispered as I just cried into him.

"I-I.." I choked out and he kissed my forehead.

"Shh...Shh calm down baby, it's okay you're safe." He cooed as I sobbed and trembled into him.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I sobbed out and he shook his head before kissing my forehead.

I sniffed and I tensed up a little bit as I felt a slight cramp in my abdomen.

"Deep breathes baby, can you do that for me?" He asked and I nodded with a sniffle.

"In.." He said and I breathed in with him with a shaky breath.

"Out.." He said and I breathed out with him and I felt myself calming down a little bit.

We repeated the process for a while until I was calmed down.

"There baby." He cooed once I was calmed down enough and I looked at him with a sniffle.

"Want me to get you drank of water." He asked and I slowly nodded.

He hummed and kissed my forehead before leaving to get me a drink.

When he came back, he smiled softly at me and sat next to me. Sitting me up against the bed frame.

"Here, let me help you." He whispered as he notices my shaky hands that were having a struggle holding the cup.

He grabbed the cup and helped me drink it, when I was drinking it-he put the cup down and grabbed my hand.

"Wanna talk about your dream?" He asked and I looked down, swallowing thickly.

"S-So many t-things happen," I whispered and rubbed my belly where the baby was kicking.

"C-Caleb was in my dream," I said quietly and I saw him clench his jaw slightly.

"What did he do?" He asked calmly and I sniffled shaking my head, not wanting to talk about that.

"Oh...that's okay." He said understanding why I didn't want to talk about that.

"W-we were in a car accident," I whispered and looked at him.

"W-we also lost the baby," I said quietly with a sniffle, and he frowns slightly.

"I-I saw myself j-jumping," I whispered shakily, not mentioning the part where I was taking off my wedding ring, he gasps understanding what I meant.

"Oh god." He mumbled, pulling me into him.

"A-all of it felt s-so real," I whispered, and he kissed my head, resting his hands on my belly.

"I can't even imagine how you feel baby." He whispered, gently rubbing my belly. Giving me comfort.

I smiled softly as Bambi hopped on the bed, putting her head on my hand. I petted her as I looked at Sam.

"You want to go to bed now?" He asked as I slowly nodded and he hummed, pulling the blanket over us and we got comfy.

"Love you, baby." He said quietly and kissed my forehead and hummed with a small smile.

"I love you too," I whispered and closed my eyes trying to sleep.

It wasn't till a few minutes until Sam has fallen asleep, but I couldn't even sleep.

I was still shaken up from the dream.

But the dream was confusing me?

It was like all my fears in one dream.

What makes me more concerned was when I pulled off my wedding ring.

I would never take it off, nor throw it away. That ring means so much to me to even be thrown away.

Was that dream being a warning about Sam and I divorcing soon?

A/N: I know what's about to happen soon.🙂👉👈

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