Chapter 84

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It felt like I was floating for a while.

I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I couldn't do anything.

It felt like I was stuck in the hole, and never get out of it.

I don't know how long I was in this dark place until I cracked my eyes open, hearing a familiar sound of beeping.

I groan as tears quickly went to my eyes from how much pain I was getting.

I realized that I was in the hospital, I was also hooked up with so many things.

What happened?

Then it all came back to me, Sam and I were in a car crash.


Where's Sam?

Is he alive? He has to be.

I looked around more, seeing that something was wrapped around my was for the baby's heart.

Is the baby alive?

I tried to at least move but cried out as the pain spread around me.

I couldn't even move.

"Oh! Colby, you're awake!" This nurse said as she came into the room, I never saw her before.

"You remember what happen?" She asked as she checked my vitals.

"Y-Yeah?" I mumbled as I looked at the screen seeing the baby's heart rant was on there.

"Don't worry, the baby is okay, it's unbelievable that the baby and you survived the crash." She said with a smile

"I-Is S-Sam, okay?" I mumbled as I started chewing my lip.

"Yes, he's okay, he haves' fewer injuries than you so he might be able to come home today." She said as I nodded, but only to scrunch them.

How long was I out?

"H-How long h-has it been?" I asked quietly and she sighs looking at a chart.

"It's only been Few days." She said putting the papers down while looking at the screen slightly nervous.

She was hiding something.

"W-what is it?" I asked as her face soften.

"I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you but, when you guys got in the died." She said as my heart dropped.

I... I died.

"W-what?" I asked shakily with wide eyes.

"You did die, you did hit your head pretty hard and got injured a lot." She said as I felt tears falling on my cheeks.

"You lost a lot of blood; you were already dead when we put you in surgery." She said as I felt my heart seized in my chest.

"We didn't give up on you though, you, the baby, and your husband is lucky to survive this crash." She said as I tried to process what she was saying.

"You're probably hungry, I'll go get you your food." She said before leaving.

I couldn't believe that I almost died.

Sam could've died.... the baby too.

It's like the world doesn't want Sam and me to have this baby.

I couldn't help but cry, I was scared, in pain.

I didn't want to feel pain.

I just wanted to feel happy, feel happy to be alive.

I just wanted the pain to go away.

That's all I ask for.

"Oh, Colby." The girl nurse said as she came back with food.

"S-Sorry," I mumbled as she put down my food on a tray and frown at me.

"Colby, don't apologize. Nothings your fault." She said as my lip quivered.

"I-I... I want to see S-Sam.." I said quietly and she sighs setting up my bed slightly.

"I know, but I was told you can't just yet." She said as I frown.

"Oh..." I mumbled with a sniffle, and I tried to move my hands, but I couldn't.

I couldn't feel anything.

"W-why c-can I f-feel anything," I mumbled as she stirred the soup that she had for me.

"You got pretty injured from the accident, and you're still healing from the surgery so you're going to feel weak for a little bit," she said as I nodded slowly.

She fed me the soup until I got full, she was a nice lady, she seemed like she was in her 40s.

It turns out that her name is Abby, she has a few kids of her own, she's also been working at this hospital for years now.

"Alright, Colby if you need anything just press the call button if you need anything." She said giving me a small smile and I returned one.

"I'll try my best to let Sam visit you," she said sweetly before leaving.

I stare blankly at the wall, the only thing that was popping my head was Sam.

I'm happy that he is alright, if I and the baby would've survived and he didn't—then I would be nothing without him.

He brightens my day with his smile, everything about him makes me love him more.

I feel nothing without him.

I want him to tell me that everything is going to be alright, that he is staying by my side and not going anywhere.

Right now, I just needed his support.

A/N: I did not cry writing this chapter 👉👈


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