Chapter 105

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I couldn't help but feel dread creeping up on me.

I knew that I was safe in the hospital with Sam, but I couldn't shake the feeling off of me.

"Colby, the police are here, they want to ask you some questions, is that okay?" The nurse asked as she came back into the room.

I sigh shakily and nodded as she smiled softly at me before leaving.

When she came back, there was one male police officer with her.

"Colby, this is officer Mark." She said as I looked at the officer, seeing him staring at me with a smile.

"Hey, Colby. It's nice to meet you. I'm going to ask you some questions." He said as he sat down on a seat, and I nodded.

"Was there anybody else, besides Caleb?" He asked as I sucked in a breath, feeling my heart racing up.

I nodded and clenched my jaw, feeling tears brimmed my eyes.

"Do you remember their name?" He asked as Sam grabbed my hand comfortably and rubbed his thumb on the palm of my hand.

"N-no," I said shaking my head and sigh, biting my lip.

"Okay, that's okay...Do you remember what he looked like though?" He asked and I nodded.

"H-he...l-look liked...Uhm..a-around his 30s or 40s, h-he seem l-like 6 f-feet tall." I said and he nodded while he wrote stuff down on paper.

He asked some more questions about this guy and kept writing information down.

"Okay....can you tell me more things?" He asked calmly and I nodded.

I tried to talk, but I couldn't. It felt like if I say more things that they won't believe me.

"Colby, this is a safe place, you can tell us anything." He said as I let out a shaky breath and looked at Sam.

He gave me a reassuring smile and nodded.

"C-Caleb...Uhm...He, w-would u-uhm hit m-me if I disobeyed h-him o-or for no reason." I stuttered out and fiddle with my fingers, shakily.

"I-if I did "worse" He would...u-Uhm..." I trailed off with a shaky breath as Mark looked at me.

"...He would do things to you without your consent..." He asked as if he knew my answer.

"Y-Yes!" I sobbed out as my lip quivered, feeling tears falling on my face.

"T-They also..f-filmed m-me while the g-guy r*ped m-me," I said as I saw Sam clenched his jaw.

"They what?!" Sam growled as I flinched from the venom in his voice.

"Sorry, baby." He said as his features soften, and I sniffled as I continued to talk.

I told them everything that happen-these the past two months. The beatings, the r*pes, and the miscarriage.

It felt good getting these things off of my chest.

By the point when I was done talking, I was crying more-if that was possible.

I was surprised that I had tears left.

"Caleb is in jail, forever. The other guy, we'll be looking for him." Officer Mark said as he stood up.

He then left, leaving Sam and me alone.

I looked down on my lap but flinched as I felt Sam's fingers lifting my chin.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said quietly with sadness lace in his voice, and I sniffled looking at him.

"I-I'm sorry," I mumbled as he shook his head before laying down next to me so he could let me cuddle with him.

He didn't say anything, he just kissed my forehead and held me close.

I was just clinging onto him as if I ever let go, he would disappear.

We stayed in comfortable silence for a while until the nurse came back with food.

"Colby, you have to eat." The nurse said as she placed the food on a table.

I looked at the food, seeing it was Mac and cheese.

But I looked at it with disgust, and not feeling hungry for food. This is shocking for me because I love Mac and cheese or love anything with pasta.

"I-I'm not hungry," I mumbled as the nurse grabbed a spoon full of the Mac and cheese as she looked at me.

"Baby, you need to eat," Sam said as I shook my head feeling fear rise in my heart.

"I-I said no," I mumbled shaking my head.

I heard the nurse mumbled something to Sam before I could register what she said. She went to force my jaw open, but I pulled away from her.

"I-I SAID NO!" I yelled out as I started to squirm, and Sam wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't move.

Before I could do anything, the nurse forced the food in my mouth as I let out a small sob.

"Colby, please eat. Listen to us. You're safe." She said softly as she guided my mouth to chew, and I sniffled.

I took around my surroundings, seeing that I wasn't in the scary place. I was just in hospital which I knew-but my mind kept telling me that I was in a scary place.

But I wasn't.

I started to chew the food shakily as Sam rubbed my back comfortably.

"I-I'm sorry," I mumbled once I swallowed the Mac and cheese as they both shook their heads.

"Don't apologize Colbs, we understand. You've been through a lot these past months." Sam pointed out as the nurse handed him the bowl so he could feed me.

The nurse smiled softly at me before she left the room.

Sam kept feeding me until I have gotten full, and we just cuddle.

I snuggled my head further in his chest and just taken in his scent. I let out a breath before looking at him seeing that he was looking at me.

"W-What?" I asked as I rested my hand on his cheek and he smiled at me.

"Nothing...I'm just so proud of you." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"I-I didn't do anything? You d-don't always have to b-be proud of me." I said quietly and he sighed before kissing my forehead.

"Colbs, I'm going to be proud of you. You're so strong." He said as tears brimmed my eyes.

He then leaned down to place his lips on mines, I smiled into the kiss as I felt the love for him grow.

Once we pulled away, I snuggled my head in his chest before closing my eyes.

I was so glad that Sam is in my life, if it weren't for him I don't think I'll be here today.

A/N: Finally updated, I know it's been like a..week since the last update but I didn't know how to write this chapter 😂 also School is mostly taking my motivation away.

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