Chapter 91

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A small weak smile tugged at my lips as I held Victor in my arms.

He was already all cleaned up and fed and was now in a onesie and was wearing a cute little hat.

He was so adorable.

"You guys be able to go home tomorrow if everything seems okay." Dr. Hooves said as she checked my vitals and I nodded but kept my eyes on the baby.

She then left us to be alone with victor, Sam smiled softly at me as I looked at him.

"Want to hold him?" I asked softly and he nodded.

I handed him victor and he fuss in Sam's arms.

"Shh, shh. Go back to sleep, dada got you." He cooed quietly and rocked him slightly and he falls back asleep instantly.

"You know what...I think he's going to be a good sleeper?" Sam whispered and I shrugged while resting my head against the pillow that was on this bed.

"Maybe...we can't doubt that" I said weakly, and he nodded looking down at the baby.

I sigh before looking down at my belly, I wasn't as huge as I was, but I was still chubby.

But I won't complain, it was worth the nine months.

"Babe?" Sam whispered breaking me out of my thoughts and I hummed looking at him with a small smile.

"I'm proud of you." He said and this was probably the 100th time he had said it today which made me chuckle.

"How many times you're going to say that?" I asked as he shrugged.

"I don't know...always, I'm serious Colby, I'm very proud of you." He said and I blushed biting my lip.

He smiled before pecking me on the lips.

I smiled weakly before my eyes land on victor seeing that he was peacefully sleeping in Sam's arms.

Sam smiled softly at me before gentle resting the baby on my chest to make sure not to wake him up. I sigh softly kissing the baby's forehead.

"Chase, kat, Emma-well basically the whole friend group is coming over to come to see Victor-any minute now," Sam said as he looked on his phone and I nodded.

"Also, Jake and Corey are going to McDonald's to get us some food. Want some?" He asked and I bit my lip with a shrug.

I couldn't tell if I was hungry, I was sore for sure and I couldn't tell if I was just hurting or just hungry.

"I'll just have chicken nuggets," I said quietly with a smile, and he nodded before going back on his phone.

"How are feeling baby, you seem down?" He asked quietly as he sat on the chair next to me and I shrugged looking down at Victor.

"I don't know...I just feel...weird?" I said not sure, and he frowns.

"I'm here for you, you can tell me anything." He said giving me a small smile as I bit my lip.

I wanted to tell him that I felt...empty.

I couldn't understand why I'm feeling empty, I feel like depressed but at the same time, I feel like I'm happy.

I couldn't understand it.

Before I could say anything, someone knocked at the door, revealing a nurse.

"Hey, you boys have some visitors, want me to send them in." She asked sweetly and we both nodded and told her to let them in.

She nodded before leaving and coming back with Kat, Chase, and Emma.

Emma gasp pointing at victor.

"Brothwer?!?" She said as everyone laughed as Sam picked her up.

"Yes Emma, that's your baby brother Victor!" Sam cooed and sat her on the bed with me.

"Cwan I hwold him?" She asked sweetly and I nodded with a smile.

"Of course, honey, but you have to be careful. Okay?" I asked as she nodded, and Sam and I show her how to hold him.

Once she was holding him, she smiled widely.

"I alrweady love hwim." She said quietly as all of us cooed and warmth filled in my heart.

They stayed here for a while until they had to go, and other people came.

Sam and I's parents.

"Oh, he's so precious." My mom said quietly as she holds Victor.

"He looks a lot like Sam." Sam's dad said with a chuckle and Sam came back with our food that Corey and Jake dropped off.

"He sure does, you boys' kids might become like you?" Sam's mom said as Sam chuckle setting up the food on a tray.

"Probably, But I can see them becoming like their father." He said gesturing to me, and I gasp.

"What?! I can see them both being stubborn, like you." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled, and they all laughed.

We all chatted, Sam and I ate our food since the last time we ate was basically yesterday.

Our parents then left since it was doctor's orders and Sam, the baby, and I had to rest.

"The baby will be fine Colby," Sam said softly as he laid Victor in a bed thing that the doctors had for us.

I nodded as my eyes drooped slightly from how exhausted I was.

I still felt empty, but I couldn't tell if I was anymore since I was so sleepy, I didn't want to tell Sam that I felt off.

"You need to sleep too," I mumbled sleepily, and he nodded kissing my forehead.

"Yeah, I will. But you need more rest." He said and I nodded slowly as my eyes drooped more.

"Can you lay with me?" I mumbled and he nodded smiling at me.

"Of course, baby." He said and managed to get in me with me.

"Goodnight baby." He mumbled as I snuggled my head in his chest and closed my eyes.

"Love you-." I mumbled before falling asleep like a light.

I regretted not telling anybody how I was feeling.

Because when I woke up, I felt a rain cloud raging over my head harder than ever.

A/N: Tehe....what's happening to Colby 🙃


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