Chapter 42

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I woke up to crying in the baby room, I open my eyes and saw it was 2:00 in the morning. Sam shifted in his sleep before waking up also.

"I'll get it," I whispered and sat up grabbing my cane.

It's been 1 week since we became parents. It's been amazing besides waking up in the middle of the night of her cries.

I walked into Emma's room, seeing her crying made my heart hurt.

"Hey, sweetie," I whispered and put my cane on the wall, and grabbed her.

She looked at me with teary eyes as she still cried.

"You hungry or need a change?" I asked her, she wasn't heavy or wet so many she's probably hungry.

I held her on one arm before grabbing my cane and walked downstairs carefully. When I got downstairs I made her a bottle of milk.

As it was warming up, I looked at Emma as she still cries making me sigh.

"Shh...shh...I'm feeding you soon." I whispered with a slight yawn and kissed her forehead. When her bottle was warm I started feeling her, but I couldn't help to see that my legs were shaking a little.

I wasn't standing with my cane so that was probably why?

I wish I didn't have a cane.

I wish I'd walked without it.

I took a deep breath before slowly walking to the couch, carefully as possible as I fed Emma. I fed for her for a while until she was full. So I burped her.

When I got done burping her, I slowly sat up and slowly walk to get my cane.

When I got my cane I walked upstairs and went to the nursery. I then changed her, when I got done changing her I slowly started to rock her to sleep.

I smiled softly as she closed her eyes, as she fell asleep. I slowly but quietly put her to bed. Putting a small blanket over her, I quietly walked out of the room.

But I didn't make it halfway only to hear her cry's again. I sigh and went to her aid again.

"What's wrong Emma?" I whispered as I Rock her side to side.

She just looked at me as she just cried.

I felt myself starting to break down as I did everything to make her calm down but nothing is helping.

I sniffled and tried to Rock her gently but she still cried.

"Can't calm her down?" Sam said groggily as he came into the room as I sigh shakily.

"N-nothing is working," I whispered as he frowns and came over to me.

"You fed her and burped her?" He asked as I nodded and sat on the chair that we had in here.

"You changed her?" He asked as I sniffled and nodded.

"I-I did e-everything. What am I'm doing wrong?" I whispered as she still cried in his arms.

"You're doing nothing wrong babe, here take her. I'm gonna call Dr. Hooves to see what we do." He says handing me the crying baby and I sigh as he left to grab his phone.

I stood up with Emma in my arms ignoring the fact that I ain't using my cane and my legs were shaking slightly.

"I wish you could talk now, so we could understand what's wrong," I whispered as I looked down at Emma as she just cried.

Sam then came with his phone, he smiled softly at me as I just look distressed.

Before he could say anything, Emma puked on my shirt causing me to sigh.

She's probably sick.

"That's where are you trying to tell us?" I whispered as she still cried.

"You go clean up I'll call the doctor and watch Emma." He said and I handed her to him as I grabbed my cane before walking out to get changed.

When I got into the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked exhausted, I haven't had the best sleep ever since I had Emma. I rubbed my hands on my face and changed my clothes.

When I got done changing, I went back into the nursery. Seeing Sam is still on the phone and Emma was still crying.

I frown slightly and went over to them as he just got done talking on the phone.

"Dr. Hooves said That Emma might be sick, we have to check her temperature." He said as I sigh and he handed her to me.

"I'll go get the thermometer." He says and went to grab the thermometer.

I looked down at Emma as she still cried.

It hurts me that I can't take the pain from her.

Sam then came back and checked her temperature. When the results were back he looked at it, but only to frown.

"She haves a fever, 102.1," he said as I chewed my lip nervously.

She's sick.

"Is that a bad thing?" I whispered and bounced her.

"No, if it's very high, yes but Dr. Hooves said to put her in a Cold bath and we have to take in her tomorrow to see if everything is alright." He says as I sigh and nodded.

Sam went to get the tub ready, when it was a perfect amount of water and perfect amount of cold but not too cold, I undress Emma.

"You are in a treat, Emma," I said with a small laugh as I lowered her some to the water.

Her cry's turned into small whimpers and sniffles as she was halfway in the water.

I smiled softly and poured some water on her face, as Sam sat next to me.

"You know, you're a great father," Sam whispered and Emma giggled softly.

"You too," I said with a chuckle and he kissed my forehead.

I bathed Emma for a while until we decided it was long enough, I changed her into a cute dog PJs and put her to bed.

"Good night sweetie," I whispered as she fell asleep.

I looked at Sam and he smiled at me and kissed me on the lips.

"Now let's go to bed." He whispered and I nodded with a smile and we both went back to our bedroom.

"Colby we might have to schedule an appointment about you having a little trouble walking now?" He says as I cuddled next to him.

"Do I have to?" I pouted my lip and he chuckled.

"Yes, you're still recovering from being paralyzed and it takes a long time to recover." He says as I sigh and bit my lip.

Something always reminded me that I'm still paralyzed.

Even though how much I wanted to forget that I'm am.

"Fine, I'll call My Doctor Tomorrow," I said as he kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes.

I'm hoping that someday, that I forget being paralyzed.

A/n: I see how much you guys don't want this end-i guess this won't be ending anytime soon🤷 I hope you guys like this!

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