Chapter 41

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This chapter might be a little graphic! Btw I know boys can't give birth but let's say Colby can give birth and this is FANFICTION!❤️

"Sam! Wake up!!" I said with a gasp and shook him causing him to wake up.

"What?! Everything alright?!" He asked frantically as he turned on the lamp.

"My water broke! It's time!" I said as his face lit up.

"Really!! Oh my god!" He breathed as he kissed me.

"It's time," I whispered once he pulled away with a huge smile on his face.

"We need to time your contractions and I'll call Dr. Hooves alright?" He says as he handed me clean clothes.

I smiled with a nod and put on my clothes, I couldn't help but feel happy and nervous at the same time.

We're finally going to be parents.

Sam came back into the room, grabbing the hospital bags that we already packed.

"You might not like this, Dr. Hooves is helping another patient so we have to wait a while to go to the hospital. So we have to wait for her to call us." He said as I pouted my lip.

"I'm sorry baby." He said sadly as my face scrunch up with pain with the first contraction, it was small pain but I knew it was going to get worse.

"Breath through it." He cooed and rubbed my back until it past seconds later.

"How long was it?" I breathed out as he looked at a timer that was on his phone.

"9 mins and 30 seconds apart." He said as I huffed a breathe, and he kissed my forehead.

"This is gonna take forever," I grumbled as he chuckled.

"I know but soon you know it, we'll have a baby home soon." He said as I smile softly.

We went downstairs and he sat me on the couch.

"I'm gonna put the hospital bags in the cars so don't move." He said sternly as I rolled my eyes.

"Yes sir," I said as he laughed and left to put the bags in the car.

I bit my lip as he came back and sat next to me and rubbed my back for comfort.

"How are you feeling love?" He whispered with a smile.

"Not totally feeling like someone is ripping out of me nope, I feel happy," I said as he chuckled and his free hand rubbed my belly.

Some people think if their water breaks, the baby just pops out. But not really, it might take few hours or more to have this baby.

Baby's take their time.

"I can't believe we'll see the baby today," Sam whispered as I smiled.

"Ohh." I groan as the second contraction hits a little struggle than the first one.

"It's okay deep breathes baby." He cooed as I whimpered softly and gripped his hand tightly.

The contractions were getting stronger.

"This sucks." I breathe out as he kissed my forehead.

"I can't even imagine baby." He whispered and rubbed my back comfortably.

Around 30 minutes, Dr. Hooves called and said that we can come. I suck in a breath as were halfway to the door but only to be stopped as a contraction came on.

The contractions were getting closer, stronger, and painful with every minute. It feels like if I had a contraction I'll explode.

When it passed, he had to help me walk more since I'm having more trouble with walking now.

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