Chapter 108

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"Someone's excited." Sam chuckled as I quickly got done packing my things.

"Of course, I am. Who wouldn't be?" I giggled and he shrugged as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well, I thought you hate hotels, especially the one went to last time." He said and I sighed before wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Well, I do...but I have a love and hate relationship with haunted hotels," I said before pecking him on the lips.

"I can tell." He said jokingly and I rolled my eyes with a giggle before pulling away.

"We better get going." He said as he looked at the time and I nodded.

We grabbed our things before going downstairs. Kat, Tara, and Devyn were going to watch the kids for us, so we didn't bother finding a babysitter.

Chase was coming with us since he wanted to experience some paranormal stuff.

"Do you and dada have to go, dwaddy," Emma said as she ran over to me, and I picked her up.

As I picked her up, there was the same pain that was in my side that happen yesterday.

My face scrunched slightly but I shrugged the pain off.

I didn't want to worry them.

"Yes, we have to, but we will be back in two days," I said with a smile as she nodded.

"I'll mwiss you." She mumbled and I frown.

"I'll miss you too sweetie, will you be good for your aunties," I asked as she nodded with a smile.

"Ywes I will." She said as I put her down on the ground and when I sat back up, the pain in my side came back a little more intense.

It could be nothing bad.

"That's good, we Better get going," Sam said as he wrapped his around on my waist.

They all nodded, Sam and I then said our goodbyes and went outside, meeting Jake, Corey, and Chase are there.

"So, Jake. Where are you taking us?" Sam asked as all of us got inside his car.

He smirked looking at us.

"Well, we're going to be visiting a place called 'Cecil Hotel.' And also, be staying at a cabin since we can't stay at the hotel." He said and put some music on the radio.

I've heard something's about the Cecil hotel, but not so much information.

"Why can't we stay there?" I asked curiously as he pulled out of the driveway and Sam grabbed my hand comfortably.

"Because it's been closed ever since...2017 due so many deaths that were happening." He said and I nodded.

"How many deaths are there?" Chase asked and looked at Jake.

"I'm not sure...I've only heard few things about this place, all I know is that black Dahlia was at the hotel before her death." He said as I gasped.

"You mean black dahlia, the one that gotten murder at the Biltmore Hotel?" I asked as he nodded.

"Yeah, Crazy huh?" He said with a chuckle, and we all nodded.

I signed before resting my head on Sam's shoulder with a sigh in contact, feeling safe.

Right when I was about close my eyes, my phone buzzed making me huff a breath, and grabbed my phone.

I rolled my eyes when I realized it was a text from Sam.

Sam: Hey baby, I love youuuu.

Colby: I love you too, but why are you texting me? I'm right next to you? 😂

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