Chapter 2

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Sam's POV

"W-what.. so he might not be able to walk?" I whimpered as my heart hurt for Colby more.

"Yes..well they're not sure..until he wakes up they'll know for s-sure." He said as his voice crack.

"D-do you know if we can see him?" I asked hoping we can.

I wanted to see if he's alright. I wanted to see his beautiful face even if it's damaged. I wanted to hold his hand and tell him everything will be alright.

I wanted him to be in my arms.

They both nodded making a small smile appear on my face. Only me, my parents, and Colby's were allowed in First.

When I saw his limp pale body, I couldn't help the gasp that left my mouth. He was attached to many machines, he had a breathing tube on him, he also had a bandage on his head.

His breathing was slow and he was 'sleeping' peacefully, I felt my heart break more at the sight.

I want to see his beautiful blue eyes.

I grabbed his hand as his parents went on the other side to hold his other hand, my parents were behind me. I sniffled as Colby's parent's started to talk to him.

I couldn't wrap the fact my boyfriend, is in the hospital fighting for his life. He deserved to be happy, he deserves a carefree life. He doesn't deserve to be paralyzed. But it's life.

Something is always gonna happen in your life out of know where.

Like right now, seeing the love of my life in the hospital.

After his parents got done talking to Colby, they decided to go outside and take a breather since both of them are crying. My parents went with them also leaving me with Colby, alone.

"Hey, baby...I don't know if you can hear me but oh well...I love you so so much." I sniffled as tears went down my cheeks.

"I can't see a future with you when I grow older if you don't make it. I know you are probably in so much pain but I want to see your eyes, I want to know that your gonna be alright." I cried out and rubbed my thumb on Colby's cold hand.

"I-I can't live without, you're my make me so happy, I wake up every morning being so happy to see you. When we haven't met I wasn't happy." I sniffled and took the little piece of hair that was on his forehead and moved it out of the way.

"A-and I knew you weren't happy either before we've meant."

I can't lose him.

He's my everything.

I know this might sound crazy, we're both 17 but I planned on proposing to him after school ends.

I wanted to marry Colby.

I wanted to call him mine, I wanted him to have my last name.

I started to sob as I felt my world cave on me, as I just look at him.

I can't lose him. I just have to manifest that he is going to be alright.


It's the next day, he still hasn't woken up. I know he's probably healing but I can't stop the negative thoughts that go in my head.

"Sam, you have to eat something," Elton said as I just sit on a chair next to Colby holding his limp hand.

"Not hungry," I mumble and he sighs.

"Sam, Colby wouldn't want you to do this to yourself." He said and puts his hand on my shoulder.

I sigh, I knew Colby wouldn't want me to be like this.

"Not hungry...I'm not going to eat or sleep Until he wakes up." That was all I said.

He sign, I knew he is not going to force me, I was telling the truth.

I ain't going to eat until Colby wakes up.

I ain't going to sleep until he wakes up.

All I wanted to know is that he is going to be alright, we stayed in here talking to Colby and There. Trying to see if he would wake up.

But nothing happens.

I felt like somehow everyone was giving up, but his parents were never giving up.

I'm never giving up, even if I grew old.

I sniffled and hang my head low as my hand still hold his. I started to sob, I still can't believe I have tears left.

I wanted him to wake up, but it can't happen. I stayed like this for a few minutes until I felt it.

Colby's hand slightly gripping mine.


A/n: hehe another cliffhanger. Hope you guys like this so far.

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