Chapter 25

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"N-no you didn't?!" I gasp as he smiled widely as he handed me the cute puppy.

"Yep I did, she's 8 weeks old!" He explained as the puppy started to lick me as a huge smile Bloomed on my face.

She's honestly the cutest puppy in the world.

I started to cry happy tears as I pet the puppy.

"Aww, why are you crying?" Sam asked as he sat next time to me as I shook my head.

"These are happy tears," I said with a smile and held the puppy close as she still licked me rapidly.

The puppy then jumped off of me so she could see the others, I turned to Sam and hugged him.

"Thank you, hank you," I whispered as I nuzzled my head into his chest as he chuckled.

"No problem baby." He whispered and kissed my forehead.

He was honestly the amazing boyfriend in the world.

I laid on Sam As The puppy then got in between us and started to lick me and him. I smiled and grabbed her so she lay on my chest.

Jake, Tara, and Corey came over as we all played with the puppy.

"So what you gonna name it Colbs?" Tara asked as I let the puppy play with my hands.

"Hm, Bambi," I exclaimed with a small smile as Jake shook his head.

"I was thinking of naming the dog Booby or something?" Jake said as everyone laughs.

"Nah Bambi is a good name." Sam agreed as he looked at the cute Puppy.

"The puppy kinda looks likes Bambi?" I said with a shrug and took in the puppy futures.

Her fur is slightly orange, as her blue eyes slightly sparkled.

She was so cute.

"Bambi it is," Sam confirms and I smiled widely.

Everyone eventually went to do their things as Sam carried me to our room and the puppy followed.

"C'mon Bambi." Sam laughed as Bambi Struggle to step on the step.

I giggled as she falls and tries again.

She's never giving up.

She then succeeds and we headed upstairs. Sam then laid me on our bed and help the puppy up since she's a little small to jump on the bed.

The puppy then went on me as Sam pulled me into him. I smiled and started to pet her. Her fur was so soft.

"I have never seen you this happy." He whispered almost to himself and I looked at him.

He was right I had never been this happy.

And I'm glad.

"Next Day"

I woke by feeling Sam's arms wrapped around me and Bambi was still laying on me but licking me in the face.

"Bambi." I laughed as Sam tightened his grip on me probably meaning he's up also.

"Morning sleepyhead," Sam said and kissed my forehead and he laughs as I smiled.

"Morning," I whispered and started to pet Bambi.

I bit my lip as I felt like today might be a struggle as the rain cloud I've been feeling these past days rang over my head even more.

"You okay baby?" Sam whispered as the puppy put her paw on my hand as if she's trying to comfort me.

"I feel like today is going to be a struggle," I whispered shakily and he tightened his grip on me.

"Then you'll fight through it," Sam says and I smiled.

"How do you do it?" I whispered.

"Do what?" he asked and kissed my forehead.

"Know what to say?" I say as he shrugged.

"I don't know, but I just know you, and I going through it together." He whispers as Bambi nuzzled her little head in my neck.

"Always," I whispered.

"Always." He whispered back.

That is one thing I love most about him, he always knows what to say. He's been here for me for a long time and never left me. Even how broken I'm am he's always there to help me.

I'm hoping our relationship never ends.

A/n: hope you guys like this! Thanks for the name suggestions! Now I want another dog 🥺

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