Chapter 74

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I ended up falling asleep two hours later.

I had a peaceful dream; I was so glad about that since I was already scared to get another bad nightmare.

I woke up from the sun shining on my face, I open my eyes seeing I was alone in my room.

"Good afternoon beautiful." Sam cooed as he came into the room with Emma on his hip.

"Afternoon?" I mumbled with a groggy voice and slowly sat up, leaning against the bed frame.

"Yep....2 pm." He said looking on his phone and my eyes winded.

"Woah." I breathed out and rubbed my eyes and slowly sat on the edge of the bed.

"I know right," Sam said with a laugh and sat Emma next to me and she cuddled into my side.

I smiled softly and messed with her curls as she giggled.

"I'm going to make you something to eat Babe, what do you want?" Sam asked and I looked at him.

"Mac and cheese with pickles," I said, and he hummed with a chuckle before leaving.

"Dwaddy, your Alwight?" Emma asked causing me to scrunch my brows and look at her.

"Yes sweetie, daddy is alright. Why are you asking?" I asked and she looked at me.

"I hweard Ywou screaming last nwight." She said and I frown slightly.

"Ywo had bad drweam?" She asked and I bit my lip.

"Yes, daddy did have a bad dream," I said truthfully, and she frowns, sitting on my lap. Nuzzling her head on my chest.

"I dowt like hearing ywou scwared." She said as I rubbed her back with a frown.

"I know you don't sweetie," I said quietly and kissed her forehead.

"I'm fine now, you can go play with your toys if you would like," I said as she smiled, before getting off of me going to her room.

I sigh before standing up, getting change into Sam's hoodie that is my favorite.

"I've got your food!!" Sam sang as he came into the room, and I just sat down on the bed.

"Thank you," I whispered as he handed my food to me and smiled.

"I need to tell you something." He asked as I took a bite from my food, and I looked at him and I hummed.

"You know Amber...Amber Scholl." He said and I looked at him with a nod.

"Well....she wants to film with me again." He said and I slowly nodded.

"Sure, when?" I asked taking another bite from my food.

"Sometime today." He says looking at his phone.

"What are you guys be filming?" I asked as he put his phone down and put his hand on my belly.

"I don't know yet, there is also this party tomorrow that she wants me to join, is that cool?" He asked and I hummed.

"Yeah, that's okay," I said as he smiled and pecked me on the lips causing me to giggle slightly.

He was about to say something, but his phone cut him off and he grabbed it, kissing me before leaving to take the call and Emma came into the room.

"What do you want Emma?" I asked with a small smile as she laid down on the bed.

"I want to lay with ywou." She said as I put my empty bowl of Mac and cheese down and laid next to her.

She snuggled her head against my belly as my mind drifted off to space.

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