Chapter 54

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"So y'all ready!" Caleb chirped gesturing to the ship.

The ship did look creepy but—it looked beautiful at the same time.

"Yep let's check-in," Jake says as we headed inside.

The ship inside of it, gave me bad vibes—like when Sam and I house was haunted but this time, darker since there were probably more ghosts.

I know many people died here, but I'm also wondering if anybody else died here recently. I was too deep in thought until Sam snapped me out of it.

"We got our okay?" He asked as I nodded with a small smile and we headed to our room.

We got the most haunted room—B340, that room had the most activity and I think most deaths.

"I guess this room is B340?" Corey said as we got to a door that leads to a room.

Caleb looked at me and smirk before looking away, grabbing his camera.

He is also a YouTuber, so I guess we're filming on his channel with him.

We headed inside the room and I felt my stomach having a weird feeling—this room had bad vibes.

"Wow...creepy!" Jake said flopping himself on the couch that was in here.

There was a wall type of thing in the middle of this room—about people's story's that happen to them in this room.

I started to read one to see what happen.

(This story is made up by me hehe)
I and my small family decided to have some family quality time since we have all been so busy now, we decide to stay in this room because since it was the room we found interesting. The activity started with the water running on its own.

At first, we didn't think anything but it started to happen every 10 or 15 minutes. Soon we kept hearing scratches somewhere—we didn't know where it was coming from, when it was time for bed I decided to sleep on the couch since I didn't want to sleep with my parents.

I couldn't go to sleep for a while due to I felt off about the closet until I did fall asleep, but when I woke up I saw something standing in the middle of the closet—staring at me. I couldn't tell if it was my dad—because when I looked at my parents they were both sleeping. When I looked back at that thing it was in front of me—almost grabbing my throat choking me but I backed away from the thing screaming.

I woke up my parents by that scream and I was still shaken up from it so I slept with them—when I woke up in the morning I was in shock as I saw claw marks on my neck where the thing almost choked me—ever since then my parents and I never stepped in the foot in this place again.


I was shocked that happened and it happens years ago.

"Wow." I breathed out looking at the other stories, some of them happen not too long ago,

"I know right, the stories are unbelievable. I still can't believe those stuff did happen," Caleb said standing next to me.

To close.

I nodded And scooted away from him uncomfortable, he looked at me and looked away and went to grab something from his bag.

"Since we're here...we could do the ouija board?" Caleb said pulling out the board causing me to gasp and shook my head.

"No! We're not doing that!" Sam said as Caleb shrug.

"It would be good for views it's not that bad." He said as I suck in a breathe and Sam grabbed my hand rubbing It gently.

"We'll think about it dude but no promises," Corey said with a smile, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Fine..we should just go exploring instead for now." He said with annoyance in his voice.

Corey was right, Caleb is into these things.

I sigh before sitting on the bed as my feet were killing me, I wasn't used to walking this much since I'm somehow still recovering from being paralyzed.

Since I started walking, my feet have always been killing me, it has always been in the pain.

"You guys ready?" Caleb asked holding up his camera in the air as I sigh looking at him.

I was excited to explore but I was already tired. I sat up grabbing my cane before we all headed out the room.

"We should just go to the basement first?" He asked and we all agreed.

Things were already getting started.

A/n: hehe I don't think y'all ready-🤭

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