Chapter 50

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We waited two days to do the ritual.

Because we didn't want Emma here when Sam and I are doing it and none of our friends we available on those days, today they were all free so we let them watch her.

Sam and I don't trust Babysitters, we just didn't.

"What time are we supposed to do the ritual?" I asked as he looked at the time.

"3:00 we got few more hours." He said as I nuzzled my head in his chest as we heard something falling on the ground.

The ghost wasn't causing too much trouble two days ago but yesterday was when it started getting worse.

Sam almost fall down the stairs yesterday, me waking up yesterday with a large scar on my back.

Gladly whatever spirit is here hasn't hurt Emma, if it did then I don't know what I'll do.

I smiled softly as Bambi jump on the bed with us, lately, she has been very overprotective. She's been growling at nothing and she never growls only if either of us is in danger.

Meaning whatever is wants to hurt us.

"Sam," I whispered, I didn't mean to make my voice shaky but it came out shaky.

"What is it, love?" He whispered, rubbing my shoulder for comfort.

"Do you think whatever is here...will it hurt us?" I whispered and chewed my lip as he looks at me, moving the pieces of hair that were in my face.

"Hope not, if it does..." He trails off and clenches his jaw.

"But it won't-" I was cut off by a large crash downstairs making me flinch slightly.

I closed my eyes as Sam slowly got out of bed to see what had fallen.

"D-don't go." I whimpered gripping his hand as he was about to leave.

"I have to see what had fallen, I'll be back I promise, love." He said kissing my forehead before leaving.

I sigh and fiddle with my hands, something felt off with this ghost—or even if it's one? It made the house sadder like whenever you lost someone you loved had past make you sad.

it's like a cloud above your head and seems to never fade away—and this creature seemed... Demon like.

Demons like to make you scream—Make you feel fear, they loved seeing their victims feel fear.

I was so lost in thought as Sam came back into the room sitting next to me, causing me back to reality.

"You okay? You were lost in thought?" He whispered with a chuckle and I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand.

"I'm fine," I whispered and he kissed me on the lips.

"What fall?" I asked putting my head on his shoulder.

"A cup....even though theirs no possible way it would've fallen?" He whispered scrunching his eyes brows.

"Ghosts can do many things," I said with a chuckle.

"3 Am"

Right now we're doing the ritual, I've got a bad feeling about it.

I chewed my sleeve as Sam sat the board down along with candles in the living room.

"Ready?" He asked me as I sigh shakily, nodding sitting down with him.

We put our fingers on the planchette and circled it around.

"Is anyone here?" He asked as we both looked at the planchette as it started moving.


I took a breath shakily and swallowed thickly.

"W-who are y-you?" I asked and there was no response.

"Try again," Sam whispered and I nodded slowly.

"Who are you?" I asked again and it started moving again.


I suck in a breath and looked at Sam, his eyes were still glued on the planchette.

But I could tell he was scared.

"Gregory...what are you?" Sam asked and it started moving causing my heart to pound against my chest.

I'd never been this scared in my life.


It spelled out causing me to tense up slightly, feeling fear rise in me.

"Sh*t." Sam hissed as I shakily looked at him.

"Are you bad or good?" Sam asked causing the planchette to move more violently.


Before I could say anything I saw Sam's hand went limp on the planchette causing my attention to him.

His hands went to his neck, gasping for air.

A/N: hehehe cliffhanger- I Liked writing this chapter ❤️ btw tysm for 3k reads it means so much🥺❤️

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